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  • 鲸落🐳

    Around 1970 or 1971, I noticed gold was starting to tick up in world markets. Until then, like most people, I hadn't paid much atten- tion to currency rates because the currency system had been stable throughout my lifetime. But as currency events increasingly appeared in the news, they caught my attention. I learned that other currencies were fixed against the dollar, that the dollar was fixed...

    2022-05-03 10:24:49

  • momo

    If you had asked me what my objective was when I started out, I would’ve said it was to have fun working with people I like. Work was a game I played with passion and I wanted to have a blast playing it with people I enjoyed and respected. I started Bridgewater out of my apartment with a pal I played rugby with who had no experience in the markets and a friend we hired as our assistant. I cert...

    2022-04-05 17:24:48

  • 大末闲言 (大知闲闲,小知间间)

    2015年,请李光耀吃饭,李光耀对世界领导人的评价。西方默克尔第一,全球普京第一,所有人里,邓小平第一。 He rated Angela Merkel as the best leader in the West and considered Vladimir Putin one of the best leaders worldwide. He explained that leaders must be judged within the context of the circumstances they encounter and then went on to share his view of how difficult it is to lead Russia and why ...   (1回应)

    2022-03-27 21:09:43

  • 大末闲言 (大知闲闲,小知间间)

    Make believability-weighted decisions

    2022-03-22 13:51:43

  • 大末闲言 (大知闲闲,小知间间)


    2022-03-22 13:41:56

  • momo

    Shaper = Visionary + Practical Thinker + Determined Intense curiosity, compulsive need to make sense of things, independent thinking that verges on rebelliousness, a need to dream big and unconventionally, a practicality and determination to push through all obstacles to achieve their goals, a knowledge of their own and others’ weaknesses and strengths so they can orchestrate teams to achieve ...

    2022-03-17 23:41:38

  • 虎子

    Stay Positive and not give up. Stay humble and open minded, never stop learning. Self reflect whenever there is pain. It’s about WHO, not HOW – build a meaningful relationship. Do the right thing, not the easy thing. Learn from other’s mistakes. Know your circle of competence and do not live on luck. Follow the big trend and manage your risks.

    2022-02-28 12:41:09

  • 虎子

    无风险的事情极少极少,也经常没有什么价值;最重要的不是发现其中的风险,而是要能够判断风险的可能性,也就是quantify the risks。这才是最难的事情,也是最需要耐心和勇气的。 Don’t mistake possibilities for probabilities. Anything is possible. It’s the probabilities that matter. Everything must be weighed in terms of its likelihood and prioritized. People who can accurately sort probabilities from po...

    2022-02-22 12:52:49

  • 虎子

    在疫情中work remote了两年多后,逐渐越来越清晰地认识到,仅仅靠zoom和slack很可能还是不够的。人们需要面对面的感知,才能从体会他人的喜怒哀乐中感受到被需要和同理心。之前在LinkedIn Learning上面看到Yale的Dan Ariely也有类似的论断:也许我们最终还是需要回到office,只是不需要再一周五天而已。 Neuroscientists, psychologists, and evolutionists agree the human brain comes pre-programmed with the need for and ...

    2022-02-22 09:45:45

  • Barbara

    A culture and its people are symbiotic -- the culture attracts certain kinds of people and the people in turn either reinforce or evolve the culture based on their values and what they're like. I believe that the ability to objectively self-access, including one's own weaknesses, is the most influential factor in whether a person succeeds, and that a healthy organization is one in which people ...

    2022-02-15 03:29:12

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