
  • 作为对商业数据计算机化管理的响应,在20世纪60年代出现了最早的数据库系统。现代的数据库应用包括有非常复杂的全球型企业。跟现代的数据库应用相比,那些早期的应用是相对简单的。 所有的数据库应用,不管老的还是新的,都共享重要的公共元素。比如**数据库应用的核心不是执行某种计算的程序,而是数据本身**。今天,一些最有价值的公司之所以有价值,不是因为它们的有形资产,而是因为它们拥有的信息。想象一下,如果一个银行没有了账户和客户数据,一个社交网站丢失了用户之间的联系,则这些公司的价值就全部丧失了。 使用数据库来管理数据集有以下特点: - 数据非常有价值; - 数据量相对较大; - 数据会同时被许多用户和应用访问; 第一批数据库应用有的仅是简单的、格式精确的、结构化的数据。今天,数据库应用可能包含具有复杂关系和结构可变的数据。 先看一个具有结构化数据的应用示例:一个大学里有关课程、学生、课程注册等信息的记录。该大学为每门课程保留相同类型的信息:课程标识符、课程名、所属系、课程编号等,为每个学生信息也保留相同类型的信息:学生标识符、学生名、地址、电话号码等,课程注册是由(课程标识符, 学生标识符)这样的对组成的集合。这类信息具有着标准的、重复性的结构,是可追溯至20世纪60年代的数据库应用类型的典型代表。 跟这个简单的大学数据库应用相比,一个社交网站的用户会发布有关他们自己的各种类型的信息,从姓名、出生日期等简单信息,到由文本、图片、视频、指向其他用户的链接组成的复杂信息。虽然这些数据之间具有共同结构的数量是有限的,但是这两类应用都具有数据库的基本特征。 现代数据库不仅利用数据结构中的共性来提升效率,而且支持弱结构的数据以及格式高度可变的数据。 因此,**数据库系统是一个大型的、复杂的软件系统,它的任务是管理大型、复杂的数据集**。 复杂性管理不仅在数据管理领域非常有挑... (查看原文)
    橡树人 1赞 2021-04-02 22:36:14
    —— 引自章节:1.1 Database-System Applicatio
  • Although we refer to the SQL language as a “query language,” it can domuch more than just query a database. It can define the structure of the data, modify data in the database, and specify security constraints. IBM developed the original version of SQL, originally called Sequel, as part of the System R project in the early 1970s. The Sequel language has evolved since then, and its name has changed to SQL (Structured Query Language). In 1986, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published an SQL standard, called SQL-86. ANSIpublishedanextendedstandard for SQL, SQL-89, in 1989. The next version of the standardwas SQL-92 standard, followed by SQL:1999, SQL:2003, SQL:2006, and most recently SQL:2008. (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-06-23 09:56:04
    —— 引自第57页
  • When writing queries, you should be careful to include appropriate where clause conditions. If you omit the where clause condition in the preceding SQL query, it would output the Cartesian product, which could be a huge relation. For the example instructor relation in Figure 2.1 and the example teaches relation in Figure 2.7, their Cartesian product has 12 ∗ 13 = 156 tuples — more than we can show in the text! To make matters worse, suppose we have a more realistic number of instructors thanwe show in our sample relations in the figures, say 200 instructors. Let’s assume each instructor teaches 3 courses, so we have 600 tuples in the teaches relation. Then the above iterative process generates 200 ∗ 600 = 120,000 tuples in the result. (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-06-30 22:31:09
    —— 引自第71页
  • The from clause by itself defines a Cartesian product of the relations listed in the clause. It is defined formally in terms of set theory, but is perhaps best understood as an iterative process that generates tuples for the result relation of the from clause. for each tuple t1 in relation r1 for each tuple t2 in relation r2 . . . for each tuple tm in relation rm Concatenate t1, t2, . . . , tm into a single tuple t Add t into the result relation (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-07-02 16:37:39
    —— 引自第68页
  • In contrast, the attributes name and building appear in only one of the relations, and therefore do not need to be prefixed by the relation name. • The select clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query. • The from clause is a list of the relations to be accessed in the evaluation of the query. • The where clause is a predicate involving attributes of the relation in the from clause. A typical SQL query has the form select A1, A2, . . . , An from r1, r2, . . . , rm where P; Each Ai represents an attribute, and each ri a relation. P is a predicate. If the where clause is omitted, the predicate P is true. (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-07-02 16:55:28
    —— 引自第67页
  • In preceding chapters,we have emphasized the higher-level models of a database. For example, at the conceptual or logical level, we viewed the database, in the relational model, as a collection of tables. Indeed, the logical model of the database is the correct level for database users to focus on. This is because the goal of a database system is to simplify and facilitate access to data; users of the system should not be burdened unnecessarily with the physical details of the implementation of the system. In this chapter, however, as well as in Chapters 11, 12, and 13, we probe below the higher levels as we describe various methods for implementing the data models and languages presented in preceding chapters. We start with characteristics of the underlying storage media, such as disk and... (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-12-18 23:23:42
    —— 引自第429页
  • 3.7 Aggregate Functions Aggregate functions are functions that take a collection (a set or multiset) of values as input and return a single value. SQL offers five built-in aggregate functions: • Average: avg • Minimum: min • Maximum: max • Total: sum • Count: count If we do want to eliminate duplicates, we use the keyword distinct in the aggregate expression. select count (distinct ID) from teaches where semester = ’Spring’ and year = 2010; We use the aggregate function count frequently to count the number of tuples in a relation. The notation for this function in SQL is count (*). Thus, to find the number of tuples in the course relation, we write select count (*) from course; Group By In other words, any attribute that is not present in the group by clause must appear only inside ... (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-12-19 22:27:07
    —— 引自第87页
  • 3.7.3 The Having Clause 1. As was the case for queries without aggregation, the from clause is first evaluated to get a relation. 2. If a where clause is present, the predicate in the where clause is applied on the result relation of the from clause. 3. Tuples satisfying the where predicate are then placed into groups by the group by clause if it is present. If the group by clause is absent, the entire set of tuples satisfying the where predicate is treated as being in one group. 4. The having clause, if it is present, is applied to each group; the groups that do not satisfy the having clause predicate are removed. 5. The select clause uses the remaining groups to generate tuples of the result of the query, applying the aggregate functions to get a single result tuple for each group.... (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2014-12-21 16:14:42
    —— 引自第88页
  • As database systems were applied to a wider range of applications, such as computer-aided design and geographical information systems, limitations imposed by the relational model emerged as an obstacle. The solution was the introduction of object-based databases, which allow one to deal with complex data types. Complex application domains require correspondingly complex data types, such as nested record structures,multivalued attributes, and inheritance,which are supported by traditional programming languages.Such features are in fact supported in the E-R and extended E-R notations, but had to be translated to simpler SQL data types. Differences between the type system of the database and the typesystem of the programming language make data storage and retrieval more complicated, and need ... (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2015-01-27 14:09:40
    —— 引自第946页
  • The typical user or programmer of an information-retrieval system thinks of the database in terms of books having sets of authors, as the non-1NF design models. The 4NF design requires queries to join multiple relations, whereas the non-1NF design makes many types of queries easier. (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2015-01-27 16:46:05
    —— 引自第946页
  • Before SQL:1999, the SQL type system consisted of a fairly simple set of predefined types. SQL:1999 added an extensive type system to SQL, allowing structured types and type inheritance. (查看原文)
    Exquisiteness 2015-01-27 16:54:59
    —— 引自第949页
  • 图5-13是不是有错误 (查看原文)
    罩子龙 2018-09-08 10:29:33
    —— 引自第107页
  • 一般说来,表中的一行代表了一组值之间的一种联系。由于一个表就是这种联系的一组集合,表这个概念和数学上的关系这个概念是密切相关的,这也正是关系数据模型名称的由来。在数学术语中,元组(tuple)只是一组值的序列(或列表)。在n个值之间的一种联系可以在数学上用关于这些值的一个n元组(n-tuple)来表示,换言之,n元组就是一个有n个值的元组,它对应于表中的一行。 这样,在关系模型的术语中,关系(relation)用来指代表,而元组(tuple)用来指代行。类似地,属性(attribute)指代的是表中的列。 ……我们用关系实例(relation instance)这个属于来表示一个关系的特定实例,也就是所包含的一组特定的行。 ……对于关系的每个属性,都存在一个允许取值的集合,称为该属性的域(domin)……如果域中的元素被看作是不可再分的单元,则域是原子的(atomic)。 (查看原文)
    无心 2018-09-16 18:47:13
    —— 引自第22页
  • The motivation for using concurrent execution in a database is essentially the same as the motivation for using multiprogramming in an operating system. (查看原文)
    iLVFP 2020-02-15 12:05:44
    —— 引自第636页
  • In general,a row in a table represents a relationship among a set of values. Since a table is a collection of such relationships, there is a close correspondence between the concept of table and the mathematical concept of relation, from which the relational data model takes its name. In mathematical terminology, a tuple is simply a sequenc(or list) of values. A relationship between n values is reprsented mathematically by a n-tuple of values, i.e. ,a tuple with n values,which corresponds to a row in a table. (查看原文)
    7086 2022-05-30 20:32:50
    —— 引自章节:2.1关系数据库的结构
  • The null value is a special value that signifies that the value is unknown or does not exist........We shall see later that null values cause a number of difficulties when we accessor update the database,and thus should be eliminated if at all possible.We shallassume null values are absent initially,and in Section 3.6 we describe the effectof nulls on different operations. (查看原文)
    7086 2022-05-30 21:05:37
    —— 引自章节:2.1关系数据库的结构
  • Formally,the unique test on a relation is defined to fail if and only if the relation contains two tuples t₁ and t₂ such that t₁=t₂. Since the test t₁=t₂ fails if any of the fields of t₁ or t₂ are null, it is possible for unique to be true even if there are multiple copies of a tuple,as long as at least one of the attributes of the tuple is null. (查看原文)
    7086 2022-05-30 21:05:37
    —— 引自章节:3.8.4重复元组存在性测试
  • the SQL standard says that the sum operator should ignore null values in its input. In general, aggregate functions treat nulls according to the following rule: Allaggregate functions except count (*) ignore null values in their input collection. As a result of null values being ignored, the collection of values may be empty. The count of an empty collection is defined to be 0, and all other aggregate operations return a value of null when applied on an empty collection. The effect of null values on some of the more complicated SQL constructs can be subtle. A Boolean data type that can take values true, false, and unknown, was introduced in SQL:1999. The aggregate functions some and every, which mean exactly what you would intuitively expect, can be applied on a collection of Boolean v... (查看原文)
    7086 2022-05-30 21:05:37
    —— 引自章节:3.8.4重复元组存在性测试
  • It is important that we evaluate the select statement fully before we carry out any insertions. (查看原文)
    7086 2022-10-26 19:59:13
    —— 引自章节:3.9.2插入
  • As with insert and delete, a nested select within an update statement may reference the relation that is being updated. As before, SQL first tests all tuples in the relation to see whether they should be updated, and carries out the updates afterward. (查看原文)
    7086 2022-10-26 19:59:13
    —— 引自章节:3.9.3更新
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