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  • 湖畔琴鼓 (http://103278887.qzone.qq.com)

    13. Sound (p.358) In the quotations below the sound that is being described is human in origin, whether it is that of voices or applause. “Babel[巴别(“嘈杂、混乱的地方”), Judgement Day(最后审判日), Krakatoa”

    2013-03-28 16:48:42

  • 湖畔琴鼓 (http://103278887.qzone.qq.com)

    12. Prostitutes(p.314-315) It is likely tha the use of classical allusions provided writers in the past with a conveniently euphemistic term for an occupation they may well have been reluctant to refer to directly. Characters: “Aspasia, Jezebel(耶洗别), Lais, Mary Magdalene, Phryne, Whore of Babylon”

    2013-03-28 16:39:14

  • 湖畔琴鼓 (http://103278887.qzone.qq.com)

    14. Criminals (p.72-73) The figures below are thieves, robbers, and gangsters. Other criminals are covered at the themes Murders and Outlaws. Characters: Al Capone(卡彭,“疤瘌脸”), Arthur Daley(戴利), John Dillinger(迪林杰), Fagin(费金), Godfather(教父), Moriarty(莫里亚蒂)

    2013-03-27 18:51:36

  • 湖畔琴鼓 (http://103278887.qzone.qq.com)

    14. Difficulty(p.113-116) The stories of HERCULES and SISYPHUS call to mind the undertaking of formidable tasks, successfully in the case of the former and unsuccessfully in the case of the latter. ATLAS and the OLD MAN OF TH ESEA suggest onerous burdens. This idea of having something difficult to accomplish is obviously closely related o=to the theme of Perseverance, and to that of a Problem, ...

    2013-03-27 18:45:34

  • 湖畔琴鼓 (http://103278887.qzone.qq.com)

    12. Solitude This theme incorporates two main ideas: solitude and the state of being an exile or an outcast. ADAM, ROBINSON CRUSOE, and JESUS can all be used to represent solitude, being in a place without he company of other people. GRETA GARBO and HOWARD HUGHES are more recent examples of social recluses. The other group0-0- CAIN, HAGAR, ISHMAEL, MARIUS, and the WANDERING JEW—are representat...

    2013-03-26 17:56:25



