Anne Neville 短评

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  • 0 戮世摩羅史仗義 2014-08-23 12:45:51

    So, that’s all. I love Richard as a ideal moral actor and I love Anne Neville as a woman. I shall never say anything against her of she knowing her husband’s doing. As a woman, she was intelligent, brave and also remarkable. 形象正常了,論述不嚴謹,市面目前沒有靠譜的Anne Neville傳。意呆利有個姐們說Amy的比Hicks的更缺乏學術性,算是看出來了。

  • 0 钢筋工钢筋 2023-04-07 22:45:17 江苏

    当我看到简介里有real story这个词时我就该想到会发生什么的

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