The Turn of the Screw 短评

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  • 2 Elliot 2021-03-24 11:29:50

    "I could only get on at all by taking 'nature' into my confidence and my account, by treating my monstrous ordeal as a push in a direction unusual, of course, and unpleasant, but demanding after all, for a fair front, only another turn of the screw of ordinary human virtue."

  • 1 幾何糖 2019-08-29 22:36:40

    是敘詭,但氣氛抓得太妙了,影像化得怎麼改啊......還有顛三倒四的活潑語序真的看得我時不時停下來重新捋一遍啥意思,本現代手機猿人發出了沒文化的哀嚎(背後的學界評價裡還有 Virginia Woolf 的評論,略感奇妙

  • 0 Neptune. 2020-04-05 05:57:51

    ...producing a terrifying effect by engaging the imagination through a sort of extreme reticence from the first narrator (or perhaps the author Henry James himself) that takes the reader into a maze of ambiguity.

  • 0 asoholic 2014-01-11 16:07:56


  • 0 Cumin 2015-11-16 22:55:14


  • 0 海边的小卡罗 2021-10-15 12:48:20

    It impresses me not merely account of James’s excellent ability to attract, frighten and amuse us, but V Woolf’s incisive review collected in this version. Probably she hadn’t read Freud’s psychoanalytic theories by 1921, but yet could still capture and identify the “uncanny”, the “unspeakable” and progress of gothic tradition in her reading.

  • 0 遠藤桜 2018-04-07 15:38:17


  • 0 Ranciere 2019-10-13 20:24:57

    我天 上一整学期被支配 各个学科都有你

  • 0 迟缓者 2020-02-20 09:42:53

    睡前看壮胆系列。 —————— 我怎么现在才看完,真是太羞耻辽。不过本书真是各种意义上的迷惑行为大赏。在无数run-on sentences中几乎连剧情都把握不住,更别说它想传达的主旨了。

  • 0 豆友崔 2021-11-15 04:35:49

    第一本也是最后一本Henry James 啃起来太累了 跳跃性思维完全无法遵循作者的意识流逻辑 或者哪天我英文水平提高再说吧🥲

  • 0 里思肯 2023-12-13 17:37:30 上海

    Henry James的长句确实是难得惊人。故事本身也许没有很难,但试图从叙述中去还原某种真实就可能是一个充满分裂和争议的过程。Henry James有意给sophisticated readers设下的陷阱确实是让大家都掉进去了。

  • 0 VioletHaze 2021-06-07 01:54:21

    I was deeply engaged with the beautiful, convoluting Victorian writing in this gothic novella.

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