So You Want to Talk about Race的书评 (2)

Seahorse 2019-03-23 19:24:40 Seal Press2018版

So I want to talk about race

No matter what your thoughts about this book are, I believe that we can all reach an agreement that race is an extremely treacherous terrain from which people rarely re-emerge unscathed. What makes a situation or a conversation race-related and what constit...  (展开)
散童鞋 2020-08-18 01:38:15

《So you want to talk about Race》BLM有感


终于看完了。可能是因为作者基于西雅图,所以老公所在的华大医院在前阵子George Floyd事件之后将这本书推荐给了医生们。老公转手推荐给了我,表示适合我看一看。而后他不时过问我读后感,偶尔对本书里的内容表示嗤之以鼻,因为觉得这是作者自己的一些assertion,而并无solid da...  (展开)

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