Putting Liberalism in Its Place 短评

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  • 0 Lowlibrarian 2018-05-05 17:52:51

    论题与Political Theology一致,问题意识其实还是施米特的:国家主权作为一种神圣性资源对自由主义常规状态论述的补充;将理性、利益与意志作为三种「政治心理学」的形式很有意思,Kahn很清楚这种神圣主权论述不是传统基督教式的,而是作为一种社会想象的基督教式的,说白了,Kahn在书里也承认了这是个灵知。一直存疑的是,诠释学、现象学的政治学到底指的是什么?

  • 0 泸村 2013-03-05 18:16:55

    liberalism is not only a political doctrine, it is also an ontology. essentially, it is to strip out anything in the way of autonomy, thus emptying the self. they call this free to choose. Kahn warns, "you can not be everything without the risk of becoming nothing". a self, with meaning and identity, is a given one, committed one.

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