《Why People Believe Weird Things》的原文摘录

  • 怀疑论者恰恰就热衷于去揭露那些胡说八道的异端邪说。意识到别人荒谬的逻辑推理是件很开心的事,但这不是问题的主旨所在。作为怀疑论者和具有批判精神的思想家,我们不应受情绪的干扰,而要试着去了解别人出错的原因,弄明白社会和文化传统对科学所产生的影响,只有这样我们才能更地了解世界发展的规律。 荷兰哲学家巴鲁克-斯宾诺莎说:“我曾进行过不懈的努力,其目的不是去嘲弄、哀叹或讥笑人们的某种行为,而是试着去了解他们。” (查看原文)
    夏天 1赞 2013-05-26 23:14:50
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  • Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest. The soul, uneasy, and confin'd from home, Rest and expatiates in a life to come. (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 15:01:03
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  • This hope is what drives all of us -skeptics and believers alike- to be compelled by unsolved mysteries, to seek spiritual meaning in a physical universe, desire immortality, and wish that our hopes for eternity may be fulfilled. (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 15:01:03
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  • Life is contingent and filled with uncertainties, the most frightening of which is the manner, time, and place of our own demise. Under the pressure of reality, we become credulous. We seek reassuring certainties from fortune-tellers and palm-readers, astrologers and psychics. Our critical faculties break down under the onslaught of promises and hopes offered to assuage life's great anxieties. (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 15:08:05
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  • three tiers why people believe weird things:(1) because hope springs eternal;(2) because thinking can go wrong in general ways;(3) because thinking can go wrong in particular ways. (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 15:13:23
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  • Humans evolved the ability to seek and find connections between things and events in the environment (snakes with rattles should be avoided), and those who made the best connections left behind the most offspring. We are their descendants. The problem is that causal thinking is not infallible. We make connections whether they are there or not. These misidentifications come in two varieties: false negatives get you killed (snakes with rattles are okay); false positives merely waste time and energy (a rain dance will end a drought). We are left with a legacy of false positives — hypnopompic hallucinations become ghosts or aliens; knocking noises in an empty house indicate spirits and poltergeists; shadows and lights in a tree become Virgin Mary; random mountain shadows on Mars are seen as a ... (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 15:19:24
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  • Balance can be found by answering a few basic questions: What is the quality of the evidence for the claim? What are the background and credentials of the person making the claim? Does the thing work as claimed? (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 16:21:54
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  • "One of the characteristics that sets man apart from all the other animals (and animal he indubitably is) is a need for knowledge for its own sake." (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 16:33:47
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  • On the most basic level ,we must think to remain alive. To think is the most essential human characteristic. Over three centuries ago, the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes, after one of the most thorough and skeptical purges in intellectual history, concluded that he knew one thing for certain:"Cogito ergo sum—I think therefore I am." But to be human is to think. Toreverse Descartes,"Sum ergo cogito—I am therefore I think" (查看原文)
    Sburrow 2012-06-20 16:33:47
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  • 科学进步指的是知识体系的积累发展过程,在这个过程中,通过不断的肯定和否定,把有用的知识保留下来,摒弃那些无用的。从这个定义来看,科学(推而广之到技术)是唯一具有进步意义的文化传统。这是从实际确定的角度而不是从道德和阶级的立场来定义科学的。从不断积累这个意义上讲,不管是受到神话还是遭到藐视,科学总是在不断发展进步。正是这一点儿把科学和其他文化传统,尤其是伪科学区别开来。 (查看原文)
    夏天 2013-05-25 08:59:40
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  • 我们每个人都可以有属于自己的历史观,但并非每种观点都是合理的。有的观点与历史相符,有的与历史事实不符,是伪历史,也就是说,这些观点的提出均带有某种政治和思想的目的,它缺乏客观依据及存在的合理性。 (查看原文)
    夏天 2013-05-25 09:03:06
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  • 关于科学变化最为有用的理论之一便是托马斯-库恩提出的“范例变迁”理论。根据这个理论,某个时代都有属于自己的“正规科学”——即为某个特定领域的大多数科学家所认可的科学理论。当背叛正规科学、思想激进的科学家达到一定的数量,并且获得充足的证据和力量去推翻现有的理论范例时,就会出现范例变迁(或革命)的现象。在我的解释里,范例应该是为某一科学团体的大部分而不是所有成员所共用的一种科学模式,主要用来描述或解释观察或推测到的自然现象。换句话说,范例抓住了大多数人的科学思维方式的主要特点,但大多数情况下,它是与其他别的范例相比较而存在的——这也是出现范例变迁现象的前提条件。 范例一词至少有四中性质: 1、社会学性质; 2、心理学性质; 3、认识论性质; 4、存在论性质。 (查看原文)
    夏天 2013-05-25 10:07:18
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  • 在西方工业社会,文化一词已被赋予了新的含义:文化发展的基本目的是不断地积累过去的文化传统和一些人造物品,并对此进行肯定或否定,以促进科学技术的发展。我们不能绝对地把幸福和进步等同起来,但是在丰富多彩的知识和人造物品中找到快乐、珍视生活中新奇变化之物、尊重西方工业社会所确立的生活标准,在持有这种观点的人看来,文化是在科学技术的推动下才得以发展,这样的文化才具有进步意义。 (查看原文)
    夏天 2013-05-25 10:16:32
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  • 衰老死亡的过程是正常的生理过程。进化生物学家理查德-道金指出:一旦过了生殖年龄,基因在身体内就没有任何用处了。生物在进化过程中,会不断地排除那些对遗传来说并不起什么作用,但仍然与那些肩负遗传使命的基因争夺有限资源的东西。 (查看原文)
    夏天 2013-05-26 23:30:28
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  • 在斯内尔森看来,人们所积累的知识越多,他们所拥有的观念的根基越牢固(记住,我们都倾向于选择和记住那些具有肯定而非否定性质的证据),对自己的观念信心就越大。结果,我们对新思想产生了“免疫力”,也不去验证那些旧的观念。科学历史学家把这种现象称为“普朗克问题”。 (查看原文)
    miss_forward 2022-01-24 19:34:54
    —— 引自章节:第三章 人的思维方式是如何出错的 38