A Clockwork Orange 短评

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  • 15 Novan 2013-08-09 21:10:13


  • 8 粉红色大象 2010-11-14 19:28:50

    What's it gonna be then, eh?

  • 5 SCOTTKF 2010-04-21 19:10:51

    Gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh oh-ho-ho!!! 大贊!!! 又一部徹底被電影誤導的書。

  • 5 安德 2012-11-01 21:06:18


  • 2 Negar🌰 2012-10-20 20:11:29

    电影的结局如何已经记不得了。a clockwork orange 算不上是epicness,但足以render me a gloomy saturday. Alex充其量是政治博弈的牺牲品, a skorry skorry horrorshow puppet.

  • 1 asoholic 2015-04-12 16:15:59

    nadsat查几遍差不多可以根据前后文猜出来了所以不影响阅读。只拍了20章的电影的确欠缺了一点,clockwork的转变就没有体现了。When a fictional work fails to show change,when it merely indicates that human character is set,stony,unregenerable,then you are out of the field of the novel and into that of the fable or the allegory.

  • 0 听说 2014-05-27 12:23:22

    was so troubled with the so-called nadsat

  • 0 elimu 2013-10-05 16:17:30


  • 1 Introspection 2012-12-26 09:54:38

    和布什的自传相比 这本好短 一直就不懂发条橙是什么意思 现在终于懂了 书中好多俄语单词稍微影响阅读 其他都不错 我看这本书看到的还是所谓伦理 社会价值取向 大众的价值观不一定是正确的价值观但一定是最轻松的

  • 0 乙雀 2010-06-03 12:23:49

    2-kun is right, this is horrorshow indeed, from various aspects... Bog bless we little Alex[s] anyway. [sigh]

  • 0 Amber 2012-05-22 22:33:17

    my only 20th birthday gift from Piers

  • 0 翻翻 2016-04-13 09:33:22

    好多俄语词 看到第三章才大概知道这些词的意思 然后读起来就比较轻松啦 蛮带感的 感觉比电影还带感!

  • 1 机智的哎呦 2018-04-14 16:43:56


  • 0 Diminished7th 2012-09-06 09:59:45

    看完原著才知道原来电影把作者的立意完全扭曲了,电影里完全没有“a clockwork orange”的体现。nadsat slang实在蛋疼但也着实是有趣的语言。这个版本的封面很非凡,而且实在有原著的体现:the cold milky chai与通往成熟的思考和疑惑。

  • 0 王欣婷 2013-02-08 04:49:20

    Is imposed goodness without choice worse than pure evil stemmed from the existence of free will? It again raises the question of "happiness" vs "freedom". Yet what is "freedom" exactly? Aren't the moral values we staunchly uphold now "imposed" on us as well? And if the ends is desirable, can all means used to reach that ends be justifiable?

  • 0 音速C 2014-11-14 20:44:20

    再见,再见,真的没有阅读的快乐,我喜欢的Alex居然被拉去改造回到正常人的生活了。。Maybe, I think that was part of my problem with the novel. also, I felt out of place and unsure of myself for a good portion of it because I really struggled with the language. Like being a tourist in a hostile city.

  • 0 球球的白手套 2012-03-18 00:02:08


  • 0 Even 2015-03-31 12:43:34

    get a nadsat dictionary for the first 20 pages, and then you'll get used to it. The "happy ending" 最初被美版拿下,所以电影里也是没有的。最后一个章节确实让立意有了一个转向..

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