
  • 当他从宾馆的卧室向下看曼哈顿的时候,觉得那些屹然高耸的楼宇固然辉煌壮观,却时时都有坍塌的危险,甚至注定在劫难逃。 (查看原文)
    老魁 2012-08-08 22:34:39
    —— 引自第387页
  • 人在某些时候做出某些决定往往是被一些奇怪的原因所左右 (查看原文)
    呼呼 2013-03-08 21:32:25
    —— 引自第82页
  • 生活里那些我认为我看重的东西,总是借由别人的死我才得到 (查看原文)
    呼呼 2013-03-08 21:38:17
    —— 引自第83页
  • 了却生前身后事,吾人生活吾主张 (查看原文)
    呼呼 2013-03-09 12:32:10
    —— 引自第174页
  • 她觉得自己很像一个被关押的犯人,要让自己确信外面的世界依然存在着。只不过她这套小小的公寓可不是什么监狱,恰恰相反,这里对她来说意味着自由,来之不易而又颇受艳羡的自由。 (查看原文)
    呼呼 2013-03-09 13:10:59
    —— 引自第175页
  • 人是一种动物,当他记得这一点时,他就能同他自己和这个世界和谐相处。人固然是所有动物中最聪明也是最危险的,但他终究还是动物。哲学家和诗人都把这一切复杂化了。事实上没有这么复杂。我们的基本需求都很明确--食物、住房、温暖、性生活和名望,就是按这个顺序排列的。最幸福的人就是追求这些又得到满足的人。 (查看原文)
    呼呼 2013-03-09 13:41:14
    —— 引自第213页
  • 有人把自杀当做一种选择,但这并不是选择,而是结束了所有的选择。 (查看原文)
    呼呼 2013-03-09 14:56:29
    —— 引自第250页
  • You kept sane by knowing that hypocrisy might be politically necessary, but that you didn't have to believe it. You kept honest;there was no point in the job otherwise. You did the job so that your male colleagues had to respect you even if it was too much to expect that they would like you. You kept your private life price, unmessy. There were men enough in the world without being trapped by propinquity into sexual entanglement with your colleagues. You did't fall into the way habit of obscenity. You knew how far you could reasonably hope to rise and how you proposed to get there. You made no unnecessary enemies; it was hard enough for a woman to climb without getting kicked in the ankles on the way up. Every job, after all, had its disadvantages. Nurses got used to the smell of dressings... (查看原文)
    Q 2016-02-11 21:22:28
    —— 引自第330页
  • 胸前佩戴着空中炮兵的单翼徽章 (查看原文)
    #瞬间收藏家# 2016-04-12 23:53:41
    —— 引自第425页
  • 也不太可能坐上第一海务大臣的位子。 (查看原文)
    #瞬间收藏家# 2016-04-12 23:56:45
    —— 引自第434页
  • He needed an hour or two of solitude and quietness, an excuse to get away from London, from his office, from the insistent telephone, from Massingham and the squad. He needed to escape from the Assistant Commissioner's carefully unspoken criticism that he was making a mystery out of a tragic but unremarkable suicide and murder, that they were all wasting time on a manhunt without a quarry. He need to escape, howevery briefly, from the clutter of his desk and the pressure of personalities, to see the case with clearer, unprejudiced eyes. (查看原文)
    —— 引自第5054页
  • He found himself wishing that the road would straighten before his wheels and run empty, un-signposted, forever, that he could press down the accelerator and lose all his frustrations in the surge of power, that this rush of autumn-scented air screaming in his ears could cleanse his mind as well as his eyes of the color of blood forever. (查看原文)
    —— 引自第5062页