The Science of Good and Evil 短评

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  • 0 Fanchen 2014-09-03 00:44:30

    It did explain pretty well the origin of ethics and morality in terms of group evolution. It's a new perspective to view how our society came into being, in which the selection pressure was not particularly on each individual, but on a group/deme/species...etc. Yet, except from that, i was not much impressed.

  • 0 嘿哈嘿哈 2012-04-16 21:19:16

    这本书似乎想谈谈伦理道德的进化论起源这个很专业的话题,但看了后发现是出于业余爱好者之手。标题是 "science",但真的与science 无关,因为它没有像“Origins of Virtues”和“Evolutionary Origion of Morality”等书给出了一个全面、系统的理论架构,而只是东拼西凑很多相关的材料,比较牵强。 不过,作为给第一次接触这个领域的读者,本书倒是可以帮助入门。

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