Is Taiwan Chinese? 短评

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  • 9 離微 2016-07-07 22:22:52

    5月初在系里聽過澳洲一學者的講座,Taiwan is NOT Part of China,雖然覺得沒有必要喊口號一樣,内容還是很中肯。記得那位教授說:臺灣不需要獨立,因爲它從來就不從屬中國。the historicization of Taiwan reads like the Chapter 2 of this monograph.唯一的遺憾是沒有historicize China. 明朝=中國?大清=中國?中共=中國?說臺灣不屬于中國,也需把中國碎片化historicize, 而不是把中國essentialize爲一個total, holistic, and unchanging entity.如果你認同清朝=中國,那論題就不成立了,否則如何解釋1683-1895這兩百年歷史?

  • 1 化城 2011-01-30 12:47:11

    boring, boring, boring... keywords: narrative of unfolding, social experience.

  • 0 2013-05-17 06:50:07


  • 0 伊洛 2013-10-08 13:03:11

    短短的600字book report撸了三天我会乱说

  • 0 蕉下鹿 2018-10-15 13:48:39


  • 0 Accélération 2023-09-05 18:58:58 北京

    读的是关于湖北那一章... 有点困惑,不知道作者和我看到的不同之处,是这20年来发生了较大变化,还是面对的人群不同。

  • 0 oyster 2015-04-03 18:13:14

    Melissa J. Brown can to some degree be seen as a companion of Dai Baocun, due to the common claim on the significant role of Taiwanese identity in the Taiwan issue. But even so, the more rigorous research approach and the less incisive political preference in Brown`s this book still prove that her argument is way more sophisticated than Dai`s.

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