Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy 短评

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  • 0 Philex 2009-07-17 11:10:49


  • 0 Alexayi 2016-04-24 02:32:09

    exceptionally inspiring

  • 1 爬行钢炮 2016-04-19 01:08:00

    阿伦特挖出了很多康德非政治哲学作品中的政治哲学脉络 一直被忽视但绝对不应该被忽视的一些观点 real大家风范 启发太多了 看完的那天激动得睡不着觉(说得好像我能有啥新发现一样……哎纯激动嘛

  • 0 唉呀,玫瑰糖 2013-06-06 17:14:55


  • 0 Bernkastel 2014-03-31 20:04:43


  • 0 Yinanaa 2022-06-06 20:39:29

    Plato's distinction between the spectator and the actor coincides with his distinction between the ruler and the ruled. The ruler knows, intends yet not acts. For Kant, this seperation is to be overcome. Everyone, gifted by nature with the capacity to think and act, needs to assume the standpoints of both world-spectator (world citizen) and actor.

  • 0 TOGOKeats 2022-06-06 05:36:07


  • 1 小游 2017-03-22 14:17:43


  • 0 Lincredible#0 2021-03-28 09:06:06

    Unsatisfied. Is it enough to have lucid judgment without being able to act? How can we merely appreciate the greatness of historical events without conceding to the desperate urge of taking part in them? Is it good enough to have a clear conscience? Does it make sense if we don't act in accordance with our judgment? Can we ever escape doing evil?

  • 0 明月胜 2020-02-15 01:48:08

    补标(读于2019年春夏)阿伦特的这个讲稿写得挺有趣的,有如下几个问题。1)她试图从康德的第三批判中写出"康德自己也没来得及写出的政治哲学",直接的结果就是她不得不进行大面积的重新阐释。她对于exemplarity的阐释是与康德南辕北辙的。2)一些哲学概念之间的关系有些模糊,比如imagination和common sense之间的关系,虽然借用了康德的cognitive faculty,但它们都是被重新阐释的。3)和多数人一样(如哈贝马斯,Bryan) 所批判的一样,阿伦特的价值判断缺乏一个清晰的标准:极权主义的恶和丑陋似乎先决的。阿伦特认识到在二战后,欧洲的道德和价值标准需要重新定义,但她并没有说清楚我们如何锻炼判断力。Beiner的后文他的博士论文,他指出了阿伦特的一些问题。

  • 0 嘿哈嘿哈 2013-01-10 00:44:08


  • 0 DAVID 2019-09-12 12:33:08

    第一次读secondary literature觉得这么牛逼

  • 0 Schönfließ 2021-08-25 18:34:41


  • 0 守穆仁 2022-03-21 05:37:58

    @2014-02-11 07:50:47 @2021-07-02 04:30:16

  • 0 Vita Nova 2020-06-07 12:01:17


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