The Middle East 短评

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  • 0 龟掌拨清波 2017-03-07 22:36:24

    前五十页把胃口吊得太足,看完倒只记了一些未及铺陈所以令人存疑的结论(如the Arab origin of Shi'ism, the assimilation of the locals, مدرسة as a Sunni bureaucracy, the not-so-destructive Mongols, the Ottoman state as the Islamic polity…),确实是a brief history of the last 2000 years,但没有了开篇时动人心魄的气度。近现代部分帮一向不关心时事的我粗线条地扫了盲,特别是19th c British and French presence in the near east对论文有些帮助。还是推荐井筒俊彦。

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