Writing About Your Life 短评

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  • 3 小猫鸡 2012-03-12 20:04:08

    the writer instilled the writing skills and his perspectives of life to readers in a way that is moderate and soft. To say it's a memoir, it's more an adventure, unforseen to the eyes, but discernible by the heart. Don't become prisoners of expectation that's not right for you, live at your own will and rythm.

  • 1 IronMick-tt8 2017-02-13 09:31:16

    跟On Writing Well一起听完的,发现多了很多自传想读。

  • 1 Jule 2012-12-17 13:32:45

    A memoir written as a manual on how to write memoirs. The pieces are so enjoyable that the reader may come away with deeper impressions about the author's life stories than about his writing tips.

  • 0 optman 2024-01-24 13:40:18 美国

    "on writing well"的作者,通过自己的人生经历讲述如何写好回忆录。一个人的经历,只有通过精心的整理叙述才能找到意义。很多人学习写作的动因之一就是想要记录自己以及周围人的故事。回忆除了慰籍自己,还可以给读者带来启发和共鸣。不要以为只有名人的故事才值得写,每个人的经历都是独一无二的,可以从自己的视角给这个世界的认识提供独特的观察。读了作者温暖幽默的故事之后,突然有了写点东西的冲动。

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