Frederick C Beiser
弗雷德里克·拜泽尔 出版社: Harvard University Press 副标题: The Concept of Early German Romanticism 出版年: 2006-4-28 页数: 262 定价: GBP 18.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780674019805
The Early Romantics met resistance from artists and academics alike in part because they defied the conventional wisdom that philosophy and the arts must be kept separate. Indeed, as the literary component of Romanticism has been studied and celebrated in recent years, its philosophical aspect has receded from view. This book, by one of the most respected scholars of the Romant...
The Early Romantics met resistance from artists and academics alike in part because they defied the conventional wisdom that philosophy and the arts must be kept separate. Indeed, as the literary component of Romanticism has been studied and celebrated in recent years, its philosophical aspect has receded from view. This book, by one of the most respected scholars of the Romantic era, offers an explanation of Romanticism that not only restores but enhances understanding of the movement's origins, development, aims and accomplishments - and of its continuing relevance.
拜泽尔(生于1949年11月27日)是当今英语世界研究十八世纪末至十九世纪初德国唯心论和浪漫主义的权威学者,谢林研究权威弗兰克(Manfred Frank)的好友兼论敌,精擅思想史方面的爬梳,目前任职于雪城大学(Syracuse University)。早年在牛津大学师从黑格尔专家泰勒(Charles Taylor)和观念史家伯林(Isaiah Berlin),并曾凭借其《理性的命运:从康德至费希特的德国哲学》(The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte,Harvard University Press,1987)赢得了当年的Thomas J. Wilson最佳图书奖。他分别于1993年和1996年在剑桥大学出版社出版了其编译的《剑桥黑格尔指南》(The Cambridge Co...
拜泽尔(生于1949年11月27日)是当今英语世界研究十八世纪末至十九世纪初德国唯心论和浪漫主义的权威学者,谢林研究权威弗兰克(Manfred Frank)的好友兼论敌,精擅思想史方面的爬梳,目前任职于雪城大学(Syracuse University)。早年在牛津大学师从黑格尔专家泰勒(Charles Taylor)和观念史家伯林(Isaiah Berlin),并曾凭借其《理性的命运:从康德至费希特的德国哲学》(The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte,Harvard University Press,1987)赢得了当年的Thomas J. Wilson最佳图书奖。他分别于1993年和1996年在剑桥大学出版社出版了其编译的《剑桥黑格尔指南》(The Cambridge Companion to Hegel,Cambridge University Press,1993)与《德国浪漫派早期政治著作选》(The Early Political Writings of the German Romantics,Cambridge University Press,1996)。其后《浪漫的律令》(The Romantic Imperative)一书成为了英美学界系统回应欧陆德国浪漫派研究的枢纽性著作,全面刷新了英语学术界的浪漫主义研究视域,兼及其后出版的诸多涉及近代德国思想史方面的著作,于2015年获得了德意志联邦共和国十字勋章(Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany)。
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