
  • 我就像一个面对冬天过后重新出现阳光的人那样,一动不动地站在那儿,感受着那个瘦小的,特别难以接近的人,那个头发乌黑,可爱的身体并不显眼的人陪伴下心绪顺畅而可能产生的激动兴奋。 (查看原文)
    熊仔面 1赞 2013-01-11 22:33:12
    —— 引自第279页
  • …,而我爷爷正渐渐习惯于一种可怕得多的现实。当大树和灌木在左撇子的周边视觉中作出奇特、滑行的运动时,他握住我的手保持身体平衡,他正面临知觉出现生物故障的可能。虽然他从来不相信宗教,但这时他却认识到自己一直相信灵魂,相信一种在死亡以后继续存在的个人力量。但是由于他的智力继续消退,继续发生短路,最终他得出这样一个无情的结论,与他年轻时期的欢乐情绪大相径庭,那就是头脑只是一种像所有其他器官一样的器官,而且等头脑衰退不行了,他也就不存在了。 (查看原文)
    广子 1赞 2014-03-01 22:40:40
    —— 引自第315页
  • 要是你也像我这样四处漫游,并不清楚自己的目的地在哪儿,对自己的旅程也不预先作好安排,你的性格看上去就会显得无比坦诚。这就是首先出现的那批哲人都徒步漫游的原因。基督也曾徒步漫游。 (查看原文)
    广子 1赞 2014-03-16 14:31:39
    —— 引自第591页
  • 他们把这场假想的调情表演下去,用以打发航行的时间,渐渐地,他们真的相信起来。他们编造回忆,临时安排命运(他们为什么这么做?他们凭什么要操这份心?难道他们就不能说他们已经订婚了吗?或者他们的婚事几年前已经安排好了?不错,他们当然可以那么说。但是他们想要欺骗愚弄的并不是其他的旅客,而是他们自己)。 (查看原文)
    蘇! 2012-10-04 18:33:34
    —— 引自第80页
  • 我们希腊人绕着圈儿结婚,好使婚姻的基本事实深深印在我们的心上:即你要获得幸福,就得在重复中找到变化;你要前进,就得回到开始的地点。 (查看原文)
    蘇! 2012-10-04 19:00:08
    —— 引自第82页
  • 第一部分第一卷 钥匙 彼特大伯说得十分明白:想要一个女孩,夫妻俩应该“在排卵前二十四小时性交”。这样,行动迅速的男性精子就会冲向前去,相继死去。女性精子尽管行动迟缓,却较为可靠,它会正好在排卵时到达。 做媒 但她并不知道。又过了几年,黛斯德蒙娜在切黄瓜的时候,身子总倚着厨房那张桌子的角,而且总往里倚得有点儿着力,但她并没有意识到这一点。后来她发现自己每天都采取这种姿势,让桌子角温暖舒适地伸在她的两腿之间。如今,在她给弟弟预备饭菜的时候,往往把餐桌当作老相识那样倚靠着,但她并没有意识到这一点。是她的身体凭借各处都能见到的人体那种狡猾与沉默的方式这么做的。 第二部分 她摇了摇头,说,“你们这群姑娘最好现在快活地玩玩。人一生最幸福的时光就是在你青春年少的时候。”(当时我十二岁,最不爱听她说这样的话。我想象不出什么是能对一个孩子说的更为恶劣的话。不过,说不定也由于那年开始出现的某些其他的变化,我以为我童年的快乐时期快要结束了。) (查看原文)
    2012-12-21 07:36:07
    —— 引自章节:第一部分
  • “因为天才十分之九是付出的汗水。你从来没有听说过这句话吗?一旦你认为自己是个天才,马上就会松劲。你认为自己做的一切都非常了不起,等等等等。” “我只是想拍几部恐怖影片,”杰罗姆回答说。“偶尔有几个裸体镜头。” “只是不要设法成为一个天才,也许结果你倒反而会碰巧成为一个天才,”我说。 (查看原文)
    2012-12-21 07:47:54
    —— 引自章节:第二部分
  • 接着有一天,大约在我出走以后的三个月,我母亲心灵的脐带上所有的信号停止了。在特茜肚脐里的那种低微的咕噜声或丁东声停止时,她正躺在床上。她一下子坐了起来,把一只手按在肚子上面。 "我再也感觉不到她了!"特茜大声说。 (查看原文)
    熊仔面 2013-01-14 21:48:05
    —— 引自第596页
  • 最最重要的是,米尔顿没有再见到我就离开了。这种情况并不叫人感到安心自在。但从某些方面来讲,他跟我,我们再也不用着解决这个问题,反而更好。我仍然始终是个女孩。其中会有某种纯洁无暇的意味,那种童年的纯洁无暇。 (查看原文)
    熊仔面 2013-01-14 22:03:20
    —— 引自第620页
  • I could smell her cinnamon gum. It was still in the back of her mouth somewhere. I didn’t look directly at her. I kept my eyes on the book. A strand of her red-gold hair fell onto the desk between us. Where the sun hit the hair, there was a prismatic effect. But while I was witnessing the half-inch rainbow she began to read. I expected a nasal monotone, riddled with mispronunciations. I expected bumps, swerves, screeching brakes, head-on collisions. But the Obscure Object had a good reading voice. It was clear, strong, supple in its rhythms. It was a voice she’d picked up at home, from poetry-reciting uncles who drank too much. Her expression changed, too. A concentrated dignity, previously absent, marked her features. Her head rose on a proud neck. Her chin was lifted. She sounded twenty... (查看原文)
    Pinocchio 2013-12-27 01:45:37
    —— 引自第396页
  • 怀孕使她觉得自己像一头动物。 (查看原文)
    Pinocchio 2013-12-27 01:47:49
    —— 引自第138页
  • The Object slept on her back. She told me once that back-sleepers were the leaders in life, born performers or exhibitionists. Stomach-sleepers like me were in retreat from reality, given to dark perception and the meditative arts. This theory applied in our case. I lay prone, my nose and eyes sore from crying. The Object, supine, yawned and (like a born performer, perhaps) soon fell asleep. I waited ten or so minutes, just to be safe. Then, as though tossing in my sleep, I rolled over so that I was looking at the Object. The moon was gibbous and filled the room with blue light.There upon the wicker bed the Obscure Object slept. The top of her Groton T-shirt was visible. It was an old one of her father’s, with a few holes. She had one arm crossed over her face, like a slash on a sign tha... (查看原文)
    Pinocchio 2013-12-27 02:16:33
    —— 引自第464页
  • Night came again. In bed we went through the preliminaries, plumping our pillows, yawning. We tossed around to get comfortable. And then after an appropriate time of silence the Object made a noise. It was a murmur, a cry caught in the throat, as if she were talking in her sleep. After this, her breathing became deeper. And taking this as the okay, Calliope began the long trek across the bed. So that was our love affair. Wordless, blinkered, a nighttime thing, a dream thing. There were reasons on my side for this as well. Whatever it was that I was was best revealed slowly, in flattering light. Which meant not much light at all. Besides, that’s the way it goes in adolescence. You try things out in the dark. You get drunk or stoned and extemporize. Think back to your backseats, your pup te... (查看原文)
    Pinocchio 2013-12-27 02:23:22
    —— 引自第468页
  • But in the end it was not up to me. The big things never are. Birth, I mean, and death. And love. And what love bequeaths to us before we are born. (查看原文)
    Pinocchio 2013-12-27 02:27:54
    —— 引自第471页
  • But I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about that word: “better.” What did my father mean? What were they going to do to me? Street sounds made it up to the room, curiously distinct, echoing off the stone building opposite. I listened to the police sirens, the angry horns. My pillow was thin. It smelled like a smoker. Across the strip of carpet my mother was already asleep. Before my conception, she had agreed to my father’s outlandish plan to determine my sex. She had done this so that she wouldn’t be alone, so that she would have a girlfriend in the house. And I had been that friend. I had always been close to my mother. Our temperaments were alike. We liked nothing better than to sit on park benches and watch the faces go by. Now the face I was watching was Tessie’s in the other bed. It ... (查看原文)
    Pinocchio 2013-12-27 02:34:31
    —— 引自第512页
  • 或者,拿我爷爷奶奶的情况来说,这种绕圈是这样发挥作用的:当左撇子和黛斯德蒙娜头一次在甲板上转悠的时候,他们还是姐弟。第二次,他们就是新娘和新郎了。到了第三次,他们就成为夫妻了。 (查看原文)
    广子 2014-02-27 18:45:59
    —— 引自第82页
  • 那件紧身胸衣就是他们唯一所需要的激发性欲的东西;它仍然是我爷爷生活中独一无二的性爱标志。紧身胸衣使黛斯德蒙娜又变成了新的人物。正如我所说的,左撇子以前瞥见过她姐姐光着身子的样子,但紧身胸衣却具有一种奇特的力量,使黛斯德蒙娜不知怎么似乎显得更加赤裸裸的;它使黛斯德蒙娜变成一个难以接近的罩着铠甲的人儿,具有一个他不得不去寻觅的软绵绵的内在的肉体。制制栓咔哒一声,紧身胸衣就啪的一声展开,于是左撇子爬到黛斯德蒙娜的身上;他们俩几乎一动不动。汹涌起伏的海浪为他们干了那件活儿。 (查看原文)
    广子 2014-02-27 21:13:05
    —— 引自第87页
  • …,谁也不谈女人,因为在咖啡馆里,每个人都是单身汉,不论他年纪多大,不论他让一个更爱跟自己的子女作伴的妻子生了多少个孩子。 (查看原文)
    广子 2014-02-27 21:22:04
    —— 引自第132页
  • 他们一块儿,产生了男人们在自己孩子临近出生时的那种轻易出现的友情。 (查看原文)
    广子 2014-02-27 21:24:33
    —— 引自第133页
  • 整个生育过程是进化的较为原始阶段的残余。这种过程使她和低级种类的生物类联系在一起。她想到了排卵的蜂王,她想到了去年春天在后院里挖洞的隔壁那条牧羊犬。 (查看原文)
    广子 2014-02-27 21:26:10
    —— 引自第138页
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