
  • 1913年的某天,施尼茨勒医生的诊所里被送进来一位浑身鲜血的实业家的儿子,他被小马咬伤了阴茎,医生下令:“病人立刻送急诊医院——小马最好送去弗洛伊德教授那。” (查看原文)
    ESO 510-G13 4回复 1赞 2014-04-10 06:04:33
    —— 引自章节:2月
  • 普鲁士公主维多利亚·路易丝和汉诺威国王恩斯特·奥古斯特二世在1月第一次亲吻。 (查看原文)
    橘子|GOOD LUCK 2019-12-08 05:03:42
    —— 引自章节:1月
  • 他不是凭空发明“十二音音乐”的,作为现代音乐的基础之一,它也是从其创造者对将要到来的事物的恐惧中诞生出来的。 (查看原文)
    橘子|GOOD LUCK 2019-12-08 05:06:10
    —— 引自章节:1月
  • 他是一个如此伟大的妇女之友、大自然的同情者与感受者,当夏末的城市“被无情的夏天带走”时,他自己也感同身受。 (查看原文)
    马大象 2014-05-15 13:53:19
    —— 引自第52页
  • On her garter belt Lou Andreas salomé wore the many scalps of the greatest minds she had begged: she had been in a confessional in St Peter's with Nietzsche, in bed with Rilke and in Russia with Tolstoy, Frank Wedekind names his lulu after her and Richard Strauss his Salomé. Now her latest victim, intellectually at least, Freud... Above all, however, Lou Andreas Salomé, now fifty-two, the author of several books about eroticism and the mind, was receiving psychoanalytic training from the master himself. In March she would set up her own practice in Göttingen. So there she sits at the solemn Wednesday lecture Beside her the master's learned colleagues, on her right the already legendary couch and everywhere the little sculptures that the antique-obsessed Freud collected to console himself ... (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-06-07 02:49:55
    —— 引自章节:January
  • He is waiting, like Stalin, for his big break. His name is Adolf Hitler. The two men, whose friends at the time say they liked to walk in the park at schönbrunn, may have greeted one hats as they made there way through the boundless park. (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-06-10 00:58:53
    —— 引自章节:January
  • The drug ecstasy has been synthesised for the first time (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-06-10 01:05:54
    —— 引自章节:January
  • So the artistic revolutionaries dashed ever onwards, impelled by their horror of being fully understand by the bourgeois public. Picasso might have been reassured had he known that Arthur schnitzler wrote in his diary on 8 February: Picasso: the early paintings outstanding; violent resistance to his current cubism. (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-06-11 16:09:48
    —— 引自章节:January
  • Freud is developing his theory of parricide. So in Dec.1912 Jung had written to Freud:"I would like to make you aware that your technique of treating your pupils as patients is a mistake." By so doing Freud is creating "impudent rouges"and "slavish sons", he writes. And he continues:"Meanwhile you always remain comfortably on top as the father. Out of pure subservience, no one dares to tug the prophet's beard." Seldom in his life has anything hit Freud as hard as this act of parricide. During those few months, when his beard must have sprouted new grey hairs, he drafts a first reply which he doesn't send, and which will only be found in his desk after his death. But on 3 January 1913 he summons all his strength and writes to Jung in Kusnacht: "Your assumptions that I am... (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-06-14 01:21:29
    —— 引自章节:January
  • It's a fine irony that one of the most interpreted and most discussed break-ups of 1913 should begin with a vow of silence. From this moment on Jung will chafe at Freud's methods, and Freud, conversely, and Jung's. Before that he gives a precise definition of parricide among primitive people: they put on masks of the murdered father— then pray to their victim. You might almost call it the Dialectic of Enlightenment. (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-06-14 01:21:29
    —— 引自章节:January
  • The provocation consisted of him wearing a wooden spoon in the buttonhole of his suit. By so doing, the futurists wanted to demonstrate against what the regarded as the ridiculous fashion of the degenerate aesthetes who still wore chrysanthemums in their buttonholes in memory of Oscar Wilde. (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-18 11:51:15
    —— 引自章节:April
  • As in Vienna, Adolf Hitler, the painter who failed to get into the art academy, has no contact with the artistic avant-garde of the city. We don't know whether he saw the exhibitions of degenerate art by Picasso or Egon Schiele or Franz Marc, which caused such a furore in Munich in 1913. The artists of his generation who had made a career for themselves were alien to the art-school reflect throughout his life, and he eyed them with suspicion, envy and hatred. When he comes home, he knocks on Frau Popp's door to ask her to fetch him some hot water from his pot, and he says,"Just sit down with us and have something to eat, you look starving." But Hitler's startled by that, he takes his teapot and flees to his room. Throughout 1913 he never gets a single visitor. He paints by day, and until... (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-18 14:19:01
    —— 引自章节:May
  • As ever more vexing noises push their way northwards from the Balkans that early summer, the intellectuals in Berlin, Munich and Vienna are able to calm their nerves by reading the British publicist's book. In it Angell expounds his theory that the era of globalization renders world wars impossible, because all countries are now economically interlinked to such a high degree. He also says that, alongside the economic networks, close international ties in communication and above all in the world of finance mean that any war would be preposterous. He argues that, even if the German military wanted to pit its strength against England, there is "no establishment of significance in Germany which would not suffer greatly." This, he claims, will prevent war, because "the entire German financial w... (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-19 10:48:09
    —— 引自章节:June
  • "The Worst Marriage Proposal In the World": on 8 June, in Prague, Franz Kafka has finally begun to ask for Felice's hand in marriage. But he breaks off mid-sentence, and it's not until 16 June that he is able to bring himself to finish the letter. It ends up being over twenty pages long. Kafka begins with a detained account of how he needs to look for a doctor— what exactly he wants him to certify, perhaps fertility or sanity, in unclear. Or maybe it's all just a laboured pretext to delay the inevitable marriage and its consummation:"Between you and me there stands, apart from everyone else, the doctor. It is doubtful what he will say, because medicinal diagnoses are not really the crucial factor in such decisions, and if they were, then it wouldn't be worth taking them into account. I was... (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-19 12:51:10
    —— 引自章节:June
  • Trakl hones his words, battles with his language until knows he can release it into the world. A world in which he himself cannot survive. His poems — even those about the last days of mankind — do not herald disaster. In them history has long since taken what Friedrich Durrenmatt calls "the worst possible turn", precisely because it has now been thought and written down as poetry. (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-24 19:21:19
    —— 引自章节:November
  • And since there was no one left on earth, it wanted to go to heaven, and the moon looked down on it so kindly and when at last it came to the moon it was a piece of rotten wood and then it came to the sun it was a withered sunflower. And when it came to the stars, they were little golden flies, stuck on the way the shrike sticks them on the blackthorn and when it wanted to go back to earth, the earth was an upturned pot and the child was all alone (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-24 19:45:35
    —— 引自章节:November
  • She had left the Louvre as a painting but was returning as an enigma. (查看原文)
    GGH&& 2014-07-24 20:59:04
    —— 引自章节:December
  • 他(法蘭茲·馬克)認為藝術不是逼真地模仿外貌,而是要揭示自然形象的精神實質,即表現人們眼睛所見到背後的東西,抽象就是表現精神實質的最佳方法。 (查看原文)
    小旨子 2014-09-14 23:18:24
    —— 引自第41页
  • 「藝術藉由現代哲學家和詩人而得到解放。尼采和叔本華最早告訴人們生命的虛無是什麼意思,而這個虛無又是如何能够蛻變為藝術。每個優秀的現代藝術家都是個超越了哲學的哲學家。」 (查看原文)
    小旨子 2014-09-14 23:23:11
    —— 引自第212页
  • 戲劇的終場有一個孤獨的男孩訴說著一則童話﹕「因為地上再也沒有半個人,他想要到天上去,月亮很親切地望著他,他終於到月亮了,上頭只有一塊爛木頭,他繼續飛向太陽,到了那裡,看到一朵枯萎的向日葵。他又飛到星星那裡,有一隻金色的小蚊子,好像被一隻紅背伯勞鳥給刺住,插在一顆黑刺李子上面。他回到地球,地上成了一個傾𡉏的港口,只有他一個人遺世獨立。」 那是則非常符合一九一三年品味的童話。沒有任何慰藉,在所有烏托邦之外,可是充滿了詩意。 (查看原文)
    小旨子 2014-09-14 23:28:17
    —— 引自第317页
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