提堂的书评 (13)
《狼厅》和《提堂》带来“都铎旋风” (二)
(原载于申江服务导报 http://newspaper.jfdaily.com/sjfwdb/html/2014-09/10/content_1183971.htm) 首部小说四处碰壁,身体饱受病痛折磨 去年年底,英国首相卡梅伦访华时,曾将希拉里·曼特尔的小说作为国礼赠送给中国总理李克强的夫人程虹,这令中国读者进一步了解了... (展开)终不过是一枚用后可以摧毁的棋子
——读Bring Up the Bodies(中译《提堂》) 沙漏 作为一个对英国历史只知道他们的国王大多叫“亨利”,女王大多叫“伊丽莎白”的我来说,看《Bring Up the Bodies》(中译《提堂》),远远比中学时代看外国普及名著吃力得多。阅读也是一种能力,并不会随着年龄增加而增加,相...
How is it different from Wolf Hall? Wolf Hall takes in a huge span of time, describing Cromwell's early life, and reaching back into the previous century, to show the forces that shaped England before he was born. The foreground action of the book occupies... (展开)