The Children Act 短评

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  • 1 bayer04 2014-11-04 07:43:48

    特别"Minor McEwan”,味道全在但却不够过瘾,最后1/4本来以为有大惊喜结果也就是那么结束了,这种充满不可触及的回味却觉得还不够不够不够啊的感觉好难受啊!(什么时候再来一本赎罪或者切舍尔啊啊!!)

  • 0 信然 2015-10-26 12:41:37

    "Blood stands for the gift of life that every living soul should be grateful for." ——《The Children Act》by Ian McEwan. 伊恩的書,句子是非常獨特的,有些刻意為之的「殘句」。這個故事非常非常出乎意料的好看,主角是一位女法官,故事分兩條線,兩條線上的故事都讓人深思!

  • 0 孤舟一叶 2015-10-18 19:13:08

    On the whole, a dissatisfying read... Two problems are obvious: the extremely unlikeable central character, and the slow-paced, interminable digressions... It would be much better if McEwan focused more on the Adam case. Though this novel provides some insights into the legal intricacies of Britain.

  • 0 琼林 2014-10-09 09:29:48

    I.M新书,小说涉及joint twin case, children welfare protection(whether law shall intervene when a 17 years old refuse medical treatment based on his religion, which could lead to death)等法理辩论,对英国common law有兴趣的不要错过!

  • 0 suyanz 2014-10-06 16:49:43


  • 0 Ck 2014-08-04 11:38:33

    "...I think written into the rubric of religion is the certainty of its own truth. And since there are 6,000 religions currently on the face of the Earth, they can't all be right. And only the secular spirit can guarantee those freedoms, and it's the secular spirit they contest." - from "Zadie Smith talks with Ian McEwan", 'The Believer', Aug 2005

  • 0 lieerli 2016-04-18 00:39:38

    虽然无感但是觉得他很会写人物心理和状态 超级细致的那种

  • 0 蓝疚 2018-04-21 16:55:45

    "She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs, But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears." I should start reading some Yeats.

  • 0 清和 2016-12-06 21:59:43


  • 0 漢索爾 2014-10-13 16:03:40

    不禁一声哎 结束得太快

  • 0 空中铁匠 2015-02-08 23:22:43

    Twisted and unexpected ending. 麦克尤恩真是个各种拧巴的作家,读起来费神费心。

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