Not That Kind of Girl 短评

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  • 5 smee 2015-04-19 07:02:30


  • 4 罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉 2015-04-06 04:58:22

    TMI, this book is really unnecessary...

  • 3 Ann 2016-03-30 23:31:44


  • 2 Kreuzberg 2014-10-26 05:01:28

    不如Girls有趣,结构略散,有时候甚至有点无聊:为什么我要知道作者的某一段经历? What's the point? 但是我还是很喜欢她的tone还有真诚(虽然偶尔有点做作)和生猛~

  • 2 momo 2016-04-08 10:50:00

    lena told me what she has "learned". lena reveals what is going on in her mind and makes me feel less weird about myself. You don't need to be flamboyant in your life to be flamboyant in your work.

  • 1 Nanccccccy 2015-12-02 10:10:47

    I'm like, do I look like I give a fuck?

  • 1 Akaashi 2015-05-04 15:39:12


  • 1 花岛仙藏 2016-01-27 13:45:07

    Audiobook read by Lena. It's sweet and sad and lonely but hey, it's beautiful in her own way. --If only I read this book five years ago, I would have grown up in a totally different manner, or at least, in a much calmer way. She makes me feel safe, somehow, to be the interesting yet unpopular ME.

  • 1 胡采藍 2014-12-10 23:31:33

    略失望,作为一个念了四年写作班的人,这作品实在太水,还不如她在电视剧里写的小说;有几篇还是看哭了,been there done that,依然是我的女英雄

  • 1 cobana 2016-03-27 23:47:22

    看得蛮吃力的 写的很琐碎 原本以为她类似于Mindy的经历会很有看头 但是全篇都在讲她spoil的童年 OCD导致的和Therapist的频繁接触 只是觉得她很敢讲 完全不隐藏自己的想法 还行吧~

  • 2 猜猜我的头像 2018-03-22 11:39:22

    The best spring break read. 真喜欢她的幽默感,我也是真的对她的生活感兴趣,只是作为一个writer lena 真的太self absorbed。不知道脱离了hispter纽约客设定她还能写出拍出什么好玩的东西

  • 0 Xenia 2014-10-13 23:03:58

    Why is it not "Lena Funny" at all.....Surprisingly boring.

  • 0 流星ヘブン 2015-09-03 21:35:08

    Actually like the book...在意大利小镇看完的,佛罗伦萨时和Nick居然聊了很久的Lena Dunham哈哈因为这本书。

  • 0 EE 2016-03-15 00:47:17

    Ballsy girl.

  • 1 Sol 2014-11-23 21:30:34

    2020-11-20 二刷看得很仔细,笑死我了!祝你开心,Lena!2014-11-23琐碎,有趣,像在看一个朋友的日记

  • 0 suyanz 2014-10-06 16:54:19


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