《Becoming Steve Jobs》的原文摘录

  • - 史蒂夫从不轻易妥协,学习任何东西也绝不会浅尝辄止,这几年,他就像一台学习机器,无论学习的内容有多困难,他都会在好奇心的驱使下,全身心地投入到学习中去。 - 事实上,他对于电脑的设想直接来源于汽车:功能强大、造型优美、效率高超,没有多余的配件。 - 他很享受混战、质疑与冲突,在他有限的经验里,要做成大事必然会经历这些。 - 相信自己是特别的,并且想把事情做到完美,这是史蒂夫从小接受的教育。 - 史蒂夫从很小的时候就明白,说正确的话、讲生动的故事能帮助他吸引别人的目光,达到自己的目的。 - 但史蒂夫年轻的时候的确非常虔诚,通过服用迷幻剂,也通过宗教信仰,努力探寻表象之下的深层次内涵和意识。 - 但史蒂夫年轻的时候的确非常虔诚,通过服用迷幻剂,也通过宗教信仰,努力探寻表象之下的深层次内涵和意识。精神追求大大拓展了史蒂夫的智慧与视野,让他能看到别人看不到的可能性,比如与众不同的产品,比如彻底颠覆传统的商业模式。 - 在佛教哲学中,生命常常被比喻成一条奔流不息的河,世间万物、每个个体都处于永恒的变动中。 - 多年以来,他每周都会安排日本僧侣乙川弘文(Kobun Chino Otogawa)来他办公室见面,向乙川弘文咨询如何才能在精神世界与商业追求之间找到平衡点。 - 沃兹认为,拨动开关和闪烁的小灯其实跟旗语或是莫尔斯电码类似,为什么不能装一个打字机那样的键盘,直接把指令和数值输入进去呢?为什么不能让电脑把输入进去的指令和运算结果显示在外接的电视屏幕上呢?为什么不能安装一个盒式磁带记录器,把程序和数据都记录下来呢? - 史蒂夫与群体性思维向来格格不入,他是一位独立的自由思想者,想法常常与所在的群体冲突。 - 他的脾气如果使用得当,会是非常有效的团队激励工具。这一课对他产生了深远的影响。 - 大多数年轻人在学习新生事物,特别是诸如风险投资之类比较复杂的事物时,通常会表现出迟疑和犹豫,... (查看原文)
    Kaka Yuan 5赞 2017-05-15 11:05:55
    —— 引自章节:摘选
  • 史蒂夫正是这样的,他的故事并不是成功的故事,而是成长的故事,我真希望自己能看到史蒂夫3.0版本,看他从55岁到75岁的经历一定很有意思,一定会比之前更加优秀。可惜我们没有机会看到史蒂夫3.0了。 (查看原文)
    阿菜 4赞 2016-12-18 19:57:07
    —— 引自第351页
  • 这些年,史蒂夫尤为专注。他将无关紧要的事都排除在外,只做自己在意的事。分界线很清楚:家庭很重要,少数几位朋友很重要,工作很重要,其他都无关紧要。 (查看原文)
    阿菜 1赞 2016-12-15 23:13:59
    —— 引自第306页
  • 史蒂夫对公司体制的不耐烦是情有可原的,因为他是一位梦想家,尽管如今这个词已经被用烂了,特别是在硅谷,但用在他身上却是实至名归。 (查看原文)
    阿菜 1赞 2016-12-26 00:16:38
    —— 引自第51页
  • 无论是求婚的那个早上还是未来的很多年,劳伦始终抱着非常认真的态度对待史蒂夫,她开始研究佛教,阅读那些曾影响过史蒂夫的书籍,曾指导史蒂夫多年的禅师乙川弘文主持了他们的婚礼。 (查看原文)
    阿菜 1赞 2016-12-31 15:28:37
    —— 引自第118页
  • Having a grand, bold goal was useless if you didn’t have the ability to tell a compelling story about how you’d get there. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • He was intransigent, and yet eager to learn. He walked away, and he walked back in to apologize. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • The unformed youth at the Garden of Allah could never have revived the moribund company he returned to in 1997, nor could he have engineered the slow and deeply complicated corporate evolution that led to the unimaginable success Apple enjoyed during the last decade of his life. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • “These things were not mysteries anymore. You looked at a television set and you would think that, ‘I haven’t built one of those but I could. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • Instead, he was obsessed by what might happen when this powerful technology got into the hands of many, many people. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • Terrell’s order for $25,000 worth of computer motherboards was about $25,000 higher than anything Woz imagined he might ever sell. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • Yes, he wanted to play their game, but by his own rules. “They thought it was going to be a little hobby thing, like home robots or ham radios, that a few techie people would get into.” So he quit his job and signed on. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • A company couldn’t simply devise a single great, innovative product, tool up, stamp it out, and then sit back and count the money. That had worked for high-tech companies like Polaroid and Xerox during their first decades. But this was different. As soon as a computer company had breathed life into one new system, it had to buckle down and start all over again in order to outdo itself before some other Promethean company reconfigured newer versions of these ever-improving technologies and stole its fire. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • In that sense, he was the one who transformed Moore’s law into a business model, allowing the computer industry to expect predictable gains on a fairly regular timetable. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • “You know how certain kids who grow up in the inner city know where to go to get what, and how the power structure of the neighborhood works? (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • It was a concept that went against every industry trend, since most of the existing manufacturers, including Commodore and MITS and Vector Graphic, advertised in the hobbyist rags with endless gray type that alerted obsessive geeks to this or that great new feature. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • What we’re trying to do is remove the barrier of having to learn how to use a computer. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • This is when his bundle of contradictory qualities unraveled, leaving him, and his company, at loose ends. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • That was Steve’s idea of product development. But he was about to discover that that wasn’t the way it worked inside a corporation. (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
  • the Apple III would compete head-on with specialized word-processing computers from Wang Laboratories... (查看原文)
    风细细™ 1赞 2019-03-20 10:51:56
    —— 引自章节:笔记。
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