From America's most inventive novelist, Jonathan Lethem, comes this compelling and compulsive riff on the classic detective novel. Lionel Essrog is Brooklyn's very own self-appointed Human Freakshow, an orphan whose Tourettic impulses drive him to bark, count, and rip apart our language in startling and original ways. Together with three veterans of the St. Vincent's Home for B...
From America's most inventive novelist, Jonathan Lethem, comes this compelling and compulsive riff on the classic detective novel. Lionel Essrog is Brooklyn's very own self-appointed Human Freakshow, an orphan whose Tourettic impulses drive him to bark, count, and rip apart our language in startling and original ways. Together with three veterans of the St. Vincent's Home for Boys, he works for small-time mobster Frank Minna's limo service cum detective agency. Life without Frank Minna, the charismatic King of Brooklyn, would be unimaginable, so who cares if the tasks he sets them are, well, not exactly legal. But when Frank is fatally stabbed, one of Lionel's colleagues lands in jail, the other two vie for his position, and the victim's widow skips town. Lionel's world is suddenly topsy-turvy, and this outcast who has trouble even conversing attempts to untangle the threads of the case while trying to keep the words straight in his head. Motherless Brooklyn is a brilliantly original homage to the classic detective novel by one of the most acclaimed writers of his generation.
乔纳森·勒瑟姆 Jonathan Lethem,1964年出生于纽约布鲁克林。年少时,他沉迷于鲍勃·迪伦的音乐,钟情于《星球大战》,读过菲利普·迪克的全部小说。1982年,勒瑟姆从本宁顿学院退学,怀揣四十美元,从科罗拉多搭便车穿越一千多里的荒漠与山岭,来到加利福尼亚。在加利福尼亚,他为一家二手书店工作,同时开始了他的文学写作。
0 有用 飛行酋長 2013-12-31 08:32:17
0 有用 菲利普吗喽 2020-01-02 22:44:07
0 有用 空集 2018-12-30 21:49:10
时隔大概四个月我终于把这本书看完了......唯一支撑我读下去的就是“诺顿的电影已经拍完了我要赶在上映之前读完” 期待顿顿演妥瑞综合症患者抽风 可能还是因为非native speakers吧 看着还是很费劲 描写也看不进去就看了个大概故事 看完也觉得......pointless 但我把这一切都归结于我英语不好的原因 可见NYer对自己的城市情结很深!