The Mind Illuminated 短评

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  • 4 2019-12-17 16:58:27

    full of detailed instructions. it seems the author has the esper to sense when and how you will get stuck or make a mistake. 但后来坚持不下去了,见书评

  • 3 每日饮斋啡 2019-09-27 09:58:37


  • 3 2020-07-03 04:49:22

    A girlfriend of mine in London, who also happens to be a psychic & dominatrix, reached out to test her newly acquired remote viewing and astral travel abilities. I was instantly intrigued by this ancient communication technique. No joke, no data roaming, only some latency and some ambiguities open to interpretation. Quarantine travel hacks. 👻

  • 0 睡美 2019-02-04 08:05:30

    从stage 1做起,读着神似攀岩心得

  • 0 michael 2023-12-12 23:18:51 湖北

    这是一本练习书,读过了并没有用,需要切身实践 20231005 决定再读一遍,放在每日睡前阅读 20231212 停止二刷

  • 0 別に 2023-11-05 20:36:19 北京

    算一本完整的入门书 没有美化和吹嘘 纯理论和实践

  • 0 水如歌 2023-01-22 17:50:58 云南

    "Unfortunately, mastering Stage Ten doesn’t include permanent freedom from the mental afflictions of desire and aversion and the suffering they cause".

  • 3 节奏 2021-05-12 22:24:59


  • 1 客兒(李泰德) 2021-03-30 13:55:12


  • 3 打火与芳草 2022-01-05 16:24:11


  • 2 Vagary 2018-08-03 21:00:09

    Mindfulness meditation needn't be so complicated and dreary. There are better, more accessible books in the market. Sure it may contain useful information for an experienced meditator, but for such a misunderstood field, simple, direct, precise writing is as paramount as the techniques themselves.

  • 5 达达 2019-12-06 19:28:41

    这本《The Mind Illuminated》虽然没有《Mindfulness in plain English》流传甚广,但是在冥想社区里颇受好评。在Amazon.com上,300人评分4.5/5,在Goodreads上,1000多个人评分4.6/5。可以说是一本小众读者评价极高的读物,书中把冥想进阶分为十个阶段,对于每个阶段会遇到的问题和化解的方法都有详细介绍,感兴趣的朋友推荐。

  • 1 Adhitthana 2019-10-30 13:24:58

    有声书和纸书都买了, 大概听完一遍, 不够,还是需要继续看书, 10个层次类似变化的10牛图所描述的, 书中用的是大象猴子和僧侣个代表不同的心和其他“archetypes?”. 不足的地方?他说地那一块应该很全面了, 没说的, 不是不知道, 而是没必要说, 不过就整个系统的框架, 缺的是布施和戒, 还有慈心,等 这些, 书里应该没提到, 但是书里说了到了一定地步就需要找老师, 如果有个善知识, 欠缺的带来瓶颈也可以及时解决。

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