
  • I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. Increase of knowledge only discovered to me more clearly what a wretched outcast I was. (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • I am malicious because I am miserable. If any being felt emotions towards me, I should return them a hundred and a hundred fold for that one creature's sake, I would make peace with the whole kind! (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • He pointed out to me the shifting colours of the landscape and the appearances of the sky. "This is what it is to live" he cried, "now I enjoyed existence!" (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • Almost spent, as I was, by fatigue, and the dreadful suspense I endured for several hours, this sudden certainty of life rushed like a flood of warm joy to my heart, and tears gushed from my eyes. (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • How many brides and youthful lovers have been one day in the bloom of health and hope, and the next a prey for worms and the decay of the tomb! (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • What now appeared certain and tangible happiness might soon dissipate into an airy dream and leave no trace but deep and everlasting regret. (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • "Man" I cried, "how ignorant art thou in thy pride of wisdom!" (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • From my infancy I was imbued with high hopes and a lofty ambition: but how am I sunk! (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed." (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • When I first sought it, it was the love of virtue, the feelings of happiness and affection with which my whole being overflowed, that I wished to be participated. But now that virtue has become to me a shadow and that happiness and affection are turned into bitter and loathing despair, in what should I seek for sympathy? I am content to suffer alone while my sufferings shall endure: when I die, I am well satisfied that abhorrence and opprobrium should load my memory. (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • Once I falsely hoped to meet with beings who. pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding. I was nourished with high thoughts of honour and devotion. But now crime has degraded me beneath the meanest animal. (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • Some years ago, when the images which this world affords first opened upon me, when I felt the cheering warmth of summer and heard the rustling of the leaves and the warbling of the birds, and these were all to me, I should have wept do die; now it is my only consolation. Polluted by crimes, and torn by the bitterest remorse, where can I find rest but in death? (查看原文)
    Danphy 2022-03-26 00:42:37
  • 树立坚定不移的目标最能镇定人的情绪,这是任何力量都无法比拟的,因为人的灵魂会将它智慧的眼神凝聚到目标这一点上。 (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:27:59
    —— 引自章节:致英格兰的萨维尔夫人的第一封信
  • 他尽管心灰意冷,可没有谁比他更能深切地感受大自然的美。那星空、大海,以及这一奇妙地区所展示的每一幅图景,似乎仍能使他心灵升腾,摈弃红尘。像他这种人的生存方式具有两重性:他可能会遭受磨难,会因失望而意志消沉,然而当他离群独处,他便像天神一般,光环绕身,任何悲哀或愚昧都不敢闯入这一光环之中。 (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:33:20
    —— 引自章节:致英格兰的萨维尔夫人的第四封信
  • 研究这门科学的古代学者们曾经许下诺言,要完成人力所不及的事情,结果一事无成。现代科学家们很少许愿,他们深知金属是不能互相转化的,而所谓长生不老药只是幻想而已。但是,现代科学家们,尽管他们的双手似乎生来便要与泥土打交道,他们的双眼也只是盯着显微镜和坩埚,然而,他们却创造了多少人间奇迹。他们潜入大自然的幽深之处,揭示了她隐藏着的神秘活动;他们冲上九重天宇,研究宇宙太空;他们发现了血液循环的规律以及我们所呼吸的空气的特性。他们获得了新的力量,几乎无所不能;他们可以驾驭空中雷电,模拟地震,甚至以幽灵世界的幻影幽灵嘲笑了幽灵世界。 (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:34:06
    —— 引自章节:第三章
  • 一个性格完善的人应该永远保持平静坦然的心理,决不能因一时的冲动或突发的欲念而扰乱了自己内心的安宁。我想,即便是探求知识这种事也不能违背这一原则。如果你所从事的研究有可能使你冷落别人,使你丧失生活的情趣,不想体验那种纯真质朴的生活乐趣,那么,你的研究就是不正当的,换句话说,你就不应该在这种研究上耗费心思。如果人们一直遵循这一准则,无论如何不让任何事业破坏自己家庭的宁静和亲善,那么,希腊人就不会遭受奴役,恺撒就不会使他的国家蒙难,美洲的发现也不会那么突然,而墨西哥帝国和秘鲁帝国也不会灭亡。 (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:35:20
    —— 引自章节:第四章
  • 我抛弃了所有的情感,强压下一切痛苦,在极度的绝望中肆无忌惮地胡作非为。自那时起,邪念代替了我的善心。我陷得如此之深,已无任何选择,只有使自己的本性适应自己心甘情愿选定的处境。实现罪恶的目标成了我贪婪的欲望。 (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:36:26
    —— 引自章节:沃尔顿致萨维尔夫人的信(续)
  • 我将为自己堆起火葬柴堆,将这可鄙的躯体烧成灰烬,这样,我的尸体就不会给任何好奇、亵渎神灵的坏家伙提供制造我这类活物的线索。我将离开人世,再也不会感受到此刻正折磨着我的种种痛苦,再也不会遭受那些无法满足,却又在心中涌动的情感的揉搓。那个给了我生命的人已经与世长辞,而当我不复存在之时,人们很快便会将我俩抛于脑后。我不会再看到日月星辰,也不会再感到风儿拂弄我的双颊。光明、情感和知觉将消失殆尽,而我只有在那幽冥世界才能寻得幸福。几年前我第一次看到人间的各种景物,感到夏日那令人欢跃的温暖,听到树叶沙沙的响声和鸟儿啾啾的啭鸣——这一切就是展现在我面前的整个世界。如果要我那时死去,我会伤心流泪;而现在,死已成了我唯一的慰藉。累累的罪恶玷污了我,极度的悔恨折磨着我,除了一死,我还能在哪里找到安宁? (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:36:26
    —— 引自章节:沃尔顿致萨维尔夫人的信(续)
  • 我此刻的一切感受将化为乌有,锥心的痛苦将一去不返,我将以豪迈的气概登上那火葬柴堆,在熊熊烈焰的烧痛中以苦为乐,心欢情悦。灼灼的火光将渐渐熄灭,我的灰烬将随风飘入大海;我的灵魂将得以安宁,即便它仍能思考,它也决不会再像这样思考。永别了。 (查看原文)
    青山枕月 2022-05-09 10:36:26
    —— 引自章节:沃尔顿致萨维尔夫人的信(续)
  • 他对我母亲的深情表现出了感激和钦佩,完全不同于一般老年人的偏爱。那感情产生于对她的品德的尊重,以及在一定程度上对她所经受过的痛苦给予补偿的愿望。这态度把难以描述的高贵赋予了他的行为。他竭尽全力使她愉快,满足她的一切要求。他努力保护她,有如园丁保护一树奇葩,不让它受到风吹雨打。他把一切能在她那温柔和善的心里唤起欢乐情绪的东西都献给了她。她所经受的苦难影响了她的健康,甚至破坏了她那始终如一的宁静。 (查看原文)
    智慧狗兔 2022-09-28 22:38:54
    —— 引自章节:第一章