Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them的书评 (2)

JingTS 2021-04-10 11:45:28

The more you know each other, you will love each other

It is the first book I read written by JK Rowling. Although I watched the movie, the book is still attractive. I don't want to talk about the love, the friendship or ethics in this book. I just want to talk about life. Newt, the wizard who loves and protect...  (展开)
林亦霖 2017-11-12 18:49:35 人民文学出版社2017版


我一直相信,那些传说中的动物,真真切切存在着。像嗅嗅,他们迅速找着闪耀的金币;像隐形兽,他们在我们身边小声地歌唱。 他们都在魔法师小小的皮箱中,那里是属于他们的世界,属于神奇动物的世界。嗅嗅,是最让我捧腹的,他早早地出现在故事中。阴错阳差间带来很多问题,他们...  (展开)

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