《Other Minds》的原文摘录

  • The octopus is sometimes said to be a good illustration of the importance of a theoretical movement in psychology known as **embodied cognition**. [...] One central idea is that our body itself, rather than our brain, is responsible for some of the “smartness” with which we handle the world. Our body’s own structure encodes some information about the environment and how we must deal with it, so not all this information needs to be stored in the brain. The joints and angles of our limbs, for example, make motions such as walking naturally arise. Knowing how to walk is partly a matter of having the right body. As Hillel Chiel and Randall Beer put it, an animal’s body structure creates both constraints and opportunities, which guide its action. (查看原文)
    cherry it up 3赞 2019-11-27 04:37:15
    —— 引自第50页
  • Further, the relevant contrast in the octopus case is not “body rather than brain”—the contrast usually emphasized in discussions of embodied cognition. In an octopus, the nervous system as a whole is a more relevant object than the brain: it’s not clear where the brain itself begins and ends, and the nervous system runs all through the body. The octopus is suffused with nervousness; the body is not a separate thing that is controlled by the brain or nervous system. (查看原文)
    cherry it up 3赞 2019-11-27 04:37:15
    —— 引自第51页
  • The octopus, indeed, has a “different embodiment,” but one so unusual that it does not fit any of the standard views in this area. [...] Its embodiment prevents it from doing the sorts of things that are usually emphasized in the embodied cognition theories. The octopus, in a sense, is disembodied. That word makes it sound immaterial, which is not, of course, what I have in mind. It has a body, and is a material object. But the body itself is protean, all possibility; it has none of the costs and gains of a constraining and action-guiding body. The octopus lives outside the usual body/brain divide. (查看原文)
    cherry it up 3赞 2019-11-27 04:37:15
    —— 引自第51页
  • What is it like to be a bat? It’s probably like something, but very different from what it’s like to be a human. The term “like” is misleading here, as it suggests that the problem hinges on issues of comparison and similarity —this feeling is like that feeling. Similarity is not the issue. Rather, there is a feel to much of what goes on in human life. Waking up, watching the sky, eating—these things all have a feel to them. That’s what has to be understood. But when we take an evolutionary and gradualist perspective, this takes us to strange places. How can the fact of life feeling like something slowly creep into being? How can an animal be halfway to having it feel like something to be that animal? (查看原文)
    cherry it up 2赞 2019-11-27 04:48:42
    —— 引自第52页
  • Subjective experience is the most basic phenomenon that needs explaining, the fact that life feels like something to us. People sometimes now refer to this as explaining consciousness; they take subjective experience and consciousness to be the same thing. Instead, I see consciousness as one form of subjective experience, not the only form. (查看原文)
    cherry it up 2赞 2019-11-27 04:48:42
    —— 引自第53页
  • 从这一刻起,心灵的演化便是为了回应其他的心灵。 (查看原文)
    剁椒鱼头 2赞 2021-03-27 07:54:54
    —— 引自章节:感官………………………………………………… 36
  • 它(大肠杆菌)感知周围时,会有一套记录当下所处环境的机制,还有另一套记录不久之前周边环境的机制。大肠杆菌只要感知到现在的化学物质浓度比不久前高,就会沿直线游动。反之,它会优先选择改变方向。 (查看原文)
    . 1回复 1赞 2021-04-23 19:02:54
    —— 引自章节:2 一段动物演化史
  • 狒狒们过着肥皂剧似的生活,经历着疯狂又紧张的社会复杂性,却没有太多方式去表达这些生活和情感。头足纲动物的社会生活更简单,需要表达的也更少,但它们表达出来的信息丰富到不同寻常。 (查看原文)
    五维洪水联盟 2赞 2021-07-08 03:16:00
    —— 引自章节:狒狒和枪乌贼……………………………………… 129
  • In the Ediacaran, other animals might be there around you, without being especially relevant. In the Cambrian, each animal becomes an important part of the environment of others. This entanglement of one life in another, and its evolutionary consequences, is due to behavior and the mechanisms controlling it. From this point on, the mind evolved in response to other minds. 在埃迪卡拉纪,动物身边也许围绕着其他动物,这些动物之间没有特殊关联。但是在寒武纪,每只动物都成了其他动物所处环境中很重要的一部分。这些生命之间的纠葛和它们的演化结果,都源于动物的行为活动和控制行为的机制。从这一刻起,心灵的演化便是为了回应其他的心灵。 (查看原文)
    李易瓷 1赞 2022-03-31 06:26:12
    —— 引自章节:感官………………………………………………… 36
  • Other similarities are more abstract, such as an involvement with individuals, including the ability to recognize particular humans. [...] This ability makes sense if an animal is social or monogamous, but octopuses are not monogamous, have haphazard sex lives, and seem not very social. There’s a lesson here about the ways that smart animals handle the stuff of their world. They carve it up into objects that can be re-identified despite ongoing changes in how those objects present themselves. I find this a striking feature of the octopus mind—striking in its familiarity, its similarity to our own. (查看原文)
    cherry it up 2019-11-27 04:53:48
    —— 引自第50页
  • From this point on, the mind evolved in response to other minds. (查看原文)
    剁椒鱼头 2021-03-26 22:15:04
    —— 引自第26页
  • The octopus lives outside both the usual pictures. Its embodiment prevents it from doing the sorts of things that are usually emphasized in the embodied cognition theories.The octopus, in a sense, is disembodied. That word makes it sound immaterial,which is not, of course, what I have in mind. It has a body, and is a material object. But the body itself is protean, all possibility; it has none of the costs and gains of a constraining and action-guiding body. The octopus lives outside the usual body/brain divide. (查看原文)
    剁椒鱼头 2021-03-26 22:22:01
    —— 引自第51页
  • The senses can do their basic work, and actions can be produced, with all this happening “in silence” as far as the organism’s experience is concerned. Then, at some stage in evolution, extra capacities appear that do give rise to subjective experience: the sensory streams are brought together, an “internal model” of the world arises, and there’s a recognition of time and self. (查看原文)
    剁椒鱼头 2021-03-26 22:24:12
    —— 引自第59页
  • This profound indifference is seen in some cuttlefish as they go on looping excursions around their reefs. On these trips a cuttlefish might poke around under rocks or just wander about. Much of the time they are probably looking for food or mates, but they often do not seem to be looking very hard. Touring cuttlefish can sometimes be friendly or at least curious, stopping to peer at you before swimming on. But some are able to ignore you no matter how close you swim—even if you are right alongside their eye. Once I was being ignored so perfectly that I planted myself directly in the animal’s path, just to see what he would do. What followed felt like an existentialist game of “chicken.” He came closer and closer, refusing to acknowledge my presence, until he was just a foot or so away. Th... (查看原文)
    剁椒鱼头 1回复 2021-03-26 22:26:20
    —— 引自第76页
  • When you dive into the sea, you are diving into the origin of us all. (查看原文)
    剁椒鱼头 2021-03-26 22:30:30
    —— 引自第126页
  • 有着硕大脑部的头足纲动物会不会有作为这种动物的特殊感觉?还是说它们只是像生化机器一样,内心空空如也?这个世界有两个层面必须能够以某种方式拼合在一起,然而它们的拼合方式似乎超出了我们现有的理解。其中一个层面是能被某个主体感受到的感觉和其他思维活动,另一个层面是生物、化学和物理世界。 (查看原文)
    五维洪水联盟 2021-07-06 18:09:48
    —— 引自章节:概述………………………………………………… 8
  • …毒性强到可以杀死一大群人。在澳大利亚东北部,因为箱水母的存在,海滩上一到夏天便空无人;一年中的很长一段时间,除了些用网隔离出的地方,任何游离海滩的行为都非常危险。更让人头疼的是,这些箱水母在水里很难被发现。它们的行为活动,在所有非两侧对称生物中堪称最复杂;它们的身体顶部有24只眼晴,和我们的眼晴一样,这些眼睛也有晶状体和视网膜。箱水母的游动速度能达到5.6千米/小时左右,有些个体能观察岸上的路标来确定方向。箱水母,非两侧对称生物演化的致命巅峰,也是这个从寒武纪开始的新世界的产物。 (查看原文)
    五维洪水联盟 2021-07-06 23:24:31
    —— 引自章节:花园………………………………………………… 27
  • 的确,章鱼有一种“不同的具身性”,但它的具身性实在太不寻常,无法用这个领域的任何标准观点去解释它。关于具身性的辩论通常在两种观点间展开,一种把大脑视为万能的CEO,另一种认为身体本身也能储存智力。这两种观点的区别在于,知识的累积是基于大脑还是身体。章鱼无法被归入这两种标准观点中的任何种。它的具身性阻碍了它去做那些具身认知理论通常会强调的行为。某种程度上,章鱼是去具身化的。虽然这个词听起来是指“没有肉身的”,但这显然不是我的用意。章鱼有一个身体,一个肉体。但是它的身体千变万化,充满各种可能;那些带有各种约束和能引导动作的身体所带来的利弊,章鱼的身体都没有章鱼,生活在身体一大脑的二分之外。 (查看原文)
    五维洪水联盟 2021-07-07 15:36:54
    —— 引自章节:相似与差异…………………………………………… 73
  • 也许,“解決协调问题”这个理由能够解释神经系统的大小但不能解释章鱼的智力和灵活行为的由来。一只协调良好的动物也可以毫无创造性。研究章鱼的更全面的方法,也许就是把有关动作造的观点和我先前借用的吉布森关于觅食和捕食的观点结合起来,这样可以一并解释动物的创造性、好奇心和感官度。或者这故事会更偏向某一个特定观点发展:为了协调身体,章鱼演化出了一套庞大的神经系统;然而神经系统太过复杂,很多其他方面的能力也作为副产物出现,或作为应动作塑造的需求而生的简单附加物。我用了“或”这个字(副产物或附加物)但在这里绝对是和/或”的意思。有些能力也许是副产物,比如识别不同人的能力,但其他改变(比如解决问题的能力)是章鱼大脑为了应对充满机遇的生活方式而演化出来的。 在这种解释中,神经元最初开始倍增是因为身体有需求,过了段时间后,章鱼一觉醒来便有了一个能做更多事的大脑。当然,从演化角度看,章鱼表现出某些令人惊叹的行为纯属巧合。你可以再回想一下那些被圈养的章鱼做出的令人惊讶的行为,它们的淘气、狡,还有和人类的互动。章鱼似乎也存在精神过剩的状况。 (查看原文)
    五维洪水联盟 2021-07-07 15:38:26
    —— 引自章节:相似与差异…………………………………………… 73
  • 一些哲学家一直都不喜欢心灵研究理论中对感官输入和感受性的迷恋。然而,他们的回应是全盘否定这种感官输入的重要性,然后试图讲一个有自决能力的生物的故事,关于它如何作为源头融入世界。这种思路矫枉过正,仿佛哲学家一次只能集中处理一边的问题。认识到感官和运动之间存在一种来回和交流是很重要的,但显然并不容易做到。 (查看原文)
    五维洪水联盟 2021-07-07 15:42:16
    —— 引自章节:经验的演化…………………………………………… 78
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