《Lincoln in the Bardo》的原文摘录

  • The rich notes of the Marine Band in the apartments below came to the sick-room in soft, subdued murmurs, like the wild, faint sobbing of far-off spirits. (查看原文)
    einmal 2017-11-04 12:43:18
    —— 引自章节:IV
  • Matrons were collapsed here and there in armchairs. Drunken men examined paintings rather too intensely. The thousand dresses, laid out so reverently that afternoon, flecks of dust brushed off carefully in doorways, hems gathered up for the carriage trip: where are they now?... As are the women who wore them so proudly in that transient moment of radiance. (查看原文)
    einmal 2017-11-04 12:43:18
    —— 引自章节:IV
  • Though the things of the world were strong with me still. Such as, for example: a gaggle of children trudging through a side. blown December flurry; a friendly match-share beneath some collision-tilted streetlight; a frozen clock, bird-visited within its high tower; cold water from a tin jug toweling off one's clinging shirt post-june rain. Pearls, rags, buttons, rug-tuft, beer-froth. Someone's kind wishes for you; someone remembering to write; someone noticing that you are not at all at ease. A bloody roast death-red on a platter; a hedgetop under-hand as you flee late to some chalk-and-woodfire-smelling schoolhouse. Geese above. clover below. the sound of one’s own breath when winded. The way a moistness in the eye will blur a field of stars; the sore place... (查看原文)
    brucas 2022-01-03 22:40:10
    —— 引自第334页