《The Return》的原文摘录

  • Power must know how fatigued human nature is, and how unready we are to listen, and how willing we are to settle for lies. Power must know that, ultimately, we would rather not know. Power must believe, given how things proceed, that the world was better made for the perpetrator than for those who arrive after the fact, seeking justice or accountability or truth. Power must see such attempts as pathetic, and yet the bereaved, the witness, the investigator and the chronicler cannot but try to make reason for the diabolical mess. (查看原文)
    headradio 5赞 2017-09-19 02:13:46
    —— 引自第214页
  • 'No,' Izzo insists. 'We must write "Libya is Free" and "Down with Qaddafi". (查看原文)
    0405|Love&Life 2017-11-10 13:55:30
    —— 引自第100页
  • I would never be part of anything. I would never really belong anywhere, and I knew it, and all my life would be the same, trying to belong, and failing. Always something would go wrong. I am a stranger and I always will be, and after all I didn't really care. (查看原文)
    0405|Love&Life 2017-11-12 16:52:17
    —— 引自第118页