
  • Measurement is aft er all the life-blood of any science. Second, if they are universal, are they “hard-wired”? Colloquially, the term hard-wired implies that our response to these features is built into our brains in the same way. Finally, if they are universal, why did we evolve to fi nd these features att ractive? (查看原文)
    NADPH 2017-04-03 19:47:31
    —— 引自第17页
  • Th e Swiss pastor Johann Casper Lavater, in his 1772 Essays on Physiognomy , wrote confi dently that the chin signifi es strength in a man [13]. He claimed that an angular or receding chin is seldom found in “discreet, well disposed, fi rm men.” He also asserted that horizontal eyebrows that are “rich and clear always convey understanding, coldness of heart, and the capacity to frame plans.” Perhaps not surprisingly, he thought that European facial physiognomy was superior to others. (查看原文)
    NADPH 2017-04-03 19:48:29
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  • Sexual dimorphism refers to diff erences in physical features based on gender. We saw that averaging and symmetry have similar eff ects on att ractiveness for both men’s and women’s faces. But, what diff erentiates their att ractiveness? Th e sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone, produce sexually dimorphic physical features. Estrogen feminizes and testosterone masculinizes features. Heterosexual men, regardless of their culture, fi nd feminized features in women att ractive [20]. (查看原文)
    NADPH 2017-04-03 19:49:14
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  • Th e physical eff ects of estrogen are similar to what we see in babies’ faces. Faces that are baby-like have large eyes, thin eyebrows, big foreheads, round cheeks, full lips, small noses, and small chins. People just like these “cute” features. Th is fact was not lost on Walt Disney. In 1928, Mickey Mouse made his animated appearance in a movie called Steamboat Willie . Mickey started out long and lithe. In 1935, his animator gave him a pear-shaped body, added pupils, and shortened his nose. Th e curious case of Mickey Mouse is that he has become more like a baby, with a bigger head and bigger eyes and smaller limbs, even as he got older over the last 80years. (查看原文)
    NADPH 2017-04-03 19:49:51
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  • Even among the remote !Kung San, bushmen with broader chins and more robust bodies end up with more sexual partners [23]. (查看原文)
    NADPH 2017-04-03 19:50:46
    —— 引自第22页
  • Th e physical characteristics of the Playboy Playmate of the Year from 1960 to 2000 track U.S. economic indicators. When economic times are diffi cult, the Playmates are older, heavier, and taller; they have larger waists, smaller eyes, larger waist-to-hip ratios, smaller bust-towaist ratios, and larger body mass indices [36]. Similarly, between 1932 and 1995, American movie actresses with more mature features—small eyes, thin cheeks, and larger chins—were popular when times were tough, and those with baby-like features—large eyes, round cheeks, and small chins—were popular when times were plentiful [37]. When the going gets tough, the large get going in the eyes of amorous men. (查看原文)
    NADPH 2017-04-03 19:54:40
    —— 引自第27页
  • 使男性面孔具有吸引力的生理特征同样具有演化依据。睾酮会产生男性化的特征,然而很多物种的睾酮会压制免疫系统。因此,认为男性化特征是适应性指标的观念,纯粹是无稽之谈。这种观点的逻辑是颠倒的。男性化特征不是适应性指标,也不意味着“好的基因”。相反,科学家提出了一种“昂贵信号”(costly signal)假说。睾酮对免疫系统起负面作用,只有免疫系统很强的男人才承受得起这种代价。动物界昂贵信号的一个典型例子是雄孔雀的尾巴。 (查看原文)
    su27根本就没有 2017-06-04 11:30:37
    —— 引自第45页