《The Euro and the Battle of Ideas》的原文摘录

  • 如果塞浦路斯都有系统性风险,那一切都有系统性风险!—— By 愤怒的德国官员 (跨国银行)活着的时候是全球的,死亡的时候是国家的。——By 英格兰银行前行长 (查看原文)
    <>< 2赞 2019-01-01 18:27:09
    —— 引自章节:第三篇:金融稳定
  • 至少在中短期内,深度一体化的政治和财政联盟更像是一种理想化的结果,其政治可行性并不高。 在这种现实背景下,政策制定者们找到的解决方案是,建立一个最小范围的货币联盟:探索建立能让某种共同货币正常稳定运行的最低要求,而不一定需要深度政治一体化,从而使损失分担降到最低。 正如法国政治家让.莫内绝妙机智的预言所说,扭曲所产生的问题和危机,需要新的工具和制度机构来解决,最终会让一体化程度更高。 (查看原文)
    <>< 2赞 2019-01-01 18:27:09
    —— 引自章节:第三篇:金融稳定
  • 对金融机构的监管,尤其是处置权力,始终掌握在国家手中,其根本原因在于处置任务通常都需要财政资金。而且关键在于,各国支持金融系统的财政能力有所不同。 如果债权人大多数外国人,政府违约的意愿会更强。因此,当危机发生时,外国人可能不愿意持有主权债务。...的确,在这样一个体系中,银行更愿意通过中介链条来间接融资。政府无力承诺不侵占外国人的资产 (查看原文)
    <>< 2赞 2019-01-01 18:27:09
    —— 引自章节:第三篇:金融稳定
  • 如果一个货币区的安全资产与某个特定的成员国,而非真正的欧元区资产相联系,那么一旦受到不利冲击,国际资本流动就会出现逆转。当市场参与者纷纷涌向安全资产时,就会带来严重的扭曲问题。 在欧元区,安全资产并非由所有成员国发行:它是德国债券,而非欧洲债券。可以说,欧元区缺乏覆盖整个区域的安全资产,因此其银行业联盟也是不完整的。 (查看原文)
    <>< 2赞 2019-01-01 18:27:09
    —— 引自章节:第三篇:金融稳定
  • 对于银行业而言,把欧洲变为一个“县城”。金融的方方面面——监督管理甚至财政纪律——全部上升到欧洲层面。经济向好的时候,银行的纳税就成为欧洲的预算,经济向坏的时候,这种课税权就成为结构性调整的必要保障,并且不会带来负面影响和传染效应。这在金融业规模大的小国肯定不受欢迎,而且从政治角度而言,对英国也没有可能。 (查看原文)
    <>< 2赞 2019-01-01 18:27:09
    —— 引自章节:第三篇:金融稳定
  • 我们的主要目的,是对导致德法两国经济理念相互对立的长期历史、知识和文化根源提供一种解释。 欧洲国家之间的分歧,常常被一些分析家简化为基于净资产地位的债权国和债务国之间的单纯的竞争关系。 有人可能会认为,每个国家都完全是为了自身的物质利益而斗争。这种狭隘的观念忽略了一个更为重要的方面:利益是通过思想观念持有者对未来的展望这一透镜来诠释的。 利益往往是通过意识形态的透镜来解释的。 正像韦伯提出的一个重要类比:”直接支配人类行为的,不是思想,而是物质和理想化的利益。然而,已经被‘思想观念’创造出来的‘世界形象’(world image),常常好像扳道工一样,决定着在利益动力学的推动下沿着哪条轨道行动。“ (查看原文)
    <>< 1赞 2018-12-30 18:30:36
    —— 引自章节:第一章
  • 北方的观点是关于规则、严谨性和一致性,而南方的重点则在于对灵活性、适应性和创新的需求。这其实是康德和马基雅维利的观点对立。 以规则为基础的原则强调稳健的重要性,也就是说不要超出自己的能力范围。 相比之下,南部或者说法国的做法则强调社会团结。1793年起草的《人权和公民权宣言》第21条是对“法国大革命”理想的最高陈述,它指出,“对公众的补贴救济是一份神圣的责任。社会对不幸的公民有扶助义务。 一般情况下,基于规则的观点与价格稳定相关,自由量裁方法则包含了管制经济的思想。 (查看原文)
    <>< 1赞 2018-12-30 18:30:36
    —— 引自章节:第一章
  • 在相当长一段时间内,基本上直到20世纪中期,法国人都推崇“自由放任”,而德国人则是“挥霍派”的代表,他们认为财政支出是繁荣和成功的关键所在。 德国和法国对规则的看法发生大逆转,是由一场破坏性空前的历史危机所触发的:纳粹独裁统治、第二次世界大战,以及1940年法国的陷落。 (查看原文)
    <>< 1赞 2018-12-30 18:30:36
    —— 引自章节:第一章
  • 欧洲国家与英美传统对破产有着截然不同的态度,特别是对法国而言,破产是非常严重的事情。这种态度,也存在于那些受《拿破仑法典》影响进行大规模法律改革的欧洲国家。宣布破产的个人,名字将会用红墨水标注在详细的账簿里,保存于法兰西银行。这些人想要恢复个人的声誉和信用几乎不可能。实际上,他们常常选择移民海外。与之相反,在美国,个人破产的经历常被当成荣誉勋章,被认为是有着创新型商业理念且领先时代的人。硅谷企业家将破产视为学习道路上的必修课。美国的著名人物,比如总统唐纳德特朗普,将他们的财富和社会地位归功于反复利用破产规定,因为这使他们可以不断规避债务。 (查看原文)
    <>< 1赞 2019-04-02 22:30:33
    —— 引自第272页
  • 欧洲人对主权债务违约尤其敏感。在他们的记忆里,国家破产是颠覆政治资本的极具破坏性的经历。法国大革命正是伴随着旧政权的破产而开始的。在法国大革命战争结束后,欧洲国家尝试校方英国1688年的“光荣革命”,这场革命之所以发挥了有效作用,是因为它建立了良好的公共财政秩序。 (查看原文)
    <>< 1赞 2019-04-02 22:30:33
    —— 引自第272页
  • ...interests are interpreted through the lens of ideas, or visions... It is Kant versus Machiavelli. Economists have long been familiar with this kind of debate and refer to it as rules versus discretion. ...Second, up to now - in the context of a new crisis - rethinking has not proceeded very far. On the contrary, countries are following, on the whole, an approach of "business as usual" (查看原文)
    2017-02-27 19:54:40
    —— 引自第1页
  • The reason why the tensions between the contrasting economic philosophies came to the forefront during the euro crisis lies in a seismic power shift that occurred in two stages. The first occurred in the spring of 2010, with decision-making capacity shifting from European institutions in Brussels to the capitals of member states. (查看原文)
    2017-03-06 11:20:21
    —— 引自第49页
  • The second decisive moment that marked the transition from a supranational European to intergovernmental decision mechanism occurred when European governments created a new funding vehicle - which became the temporary European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and later the permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM). (查看原文)
    2017-03-06 11:20:21
    —— 引自第49页
  • French and Germans are at two extremities of the moral chain, because the former consider external facts as the motor of all ideas, while the latter think that ideas generate all impressions. The two countries nevertheless are in basc agreement on social relations, but there is nothing more opposed than their respective literaray and philosophic systems. (查看原文)
    2017-03-06 11:20:21
    —— 引自第49页
  • Federations are mechanisms for preserving differences while minimizing conlcit, while central states repress conflict by overriding differences through the assertion of authority. Federations thus need rules as a way of dealing with substantial differences in outlook. (查看原文)
    2017-03-07 20:05:37
    —— 引自章节:3 Historical Roots of German-F
  • But Germany also has a substantial sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are generally referred to as the Mittelstand. The small and medium-sized businesses have generally been the incubators in which middle-class dyamism developed and galvanized society as a whole. (查看原文)
    2017-03-07 20:05:37
    —— 引自章节:3 Historical Roots of German-F
  • Medieval and early modern Europe had two models of city. On the one side, there were the bureaucratic capitals of a large state, of which Naples was the largest sprawling example. The alternative lay in those cities dominated by mercantile activities, which were often self-governed. In these, order, justice, and harmony, couple with education and virture, transformed not only the city but also the surrounding lands. (查看原文)
    2017-03-07 20:05:37
    —— 引自章节:3 Historical Roots of German-F
  • The French rendition (bourgeois) captures the depth of meaning less adequately than the German term, [...] Bürger can have a universal meaning as well as a socioeconomic one, or one that refers to educational attainment. But in each case, the central meaning is clear: a Bürger is someone who is capable of self-determination, who can see the fruits of his own economic, political, cultural, or social efforts. A Bürger is not a being that is at the blind mercy of impersonal forces; rather, the Bürger makes a world on the basis of a forceful and dynamic imagination. A Bürger is above all someone who takes responsibility for his or her own actions. (查看原文)
    2017-03-07 20:05:37
    —— 引自章节:3 Historical Roots of German-F
  • In particular, he believed that France insisted on rules and contracts, while Germany had a feudal sense of good faith that was personalized and "mocked contracts and signatures.""The German does not have like us the sense of the permanent and absolute value of the contract." (查看原文)
    2017-03-09 18:06:03
    —— 引自章节:4 German-French Differences in
  • 1. A focus on the legal, moral, and political foundation of free markets in agreed rules [...] 2. A strong emphasis on responsibility and accountability. [...] 3. A concern with the potential for moral hazard arising out of lender of last resort activities. [...] 4. A concern that lender of last resort action may corrupt or pollute monetray policy. (trade-offs between financial sector stability vs. price stability) [...] 5. A belief that firm or binding rules are needed to shield monetary policy from fiscal dominance, namely, the view that government, by raising the permanent level of expenditures without at the same time raising taxes [...] 6. A strict approach to government debt and to debt ceillings. [...] 7. Growth is not achieved by the provision of additional money or resources but b... (查看原文)
    2017-03-09 18:06:03
    —— 引自章节:4 German-French Differences in