Autumn 短评

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  • 8 Jacintta H 2018-09-15 08:06:49

    Ali Smith is such a good writer. Funny, witty, sharp, yet lyrical. I loved the the stories and the way they are told and the fact that one was told within another. I'm a fan.

  • 7 2018-08-14 08:58:31

    8.8-8.13 大感动!大概是今年最喜欢的小说之一!打乱叙述时间,碎片性描写刻画人物,这种写法和故事相辅相成,使得这个现在和过去交错,悲剧女画家的身世贯穿了老人和女孩的友情的故事鲜活起来,还很女权!还很后brexit!对当下愈加极右的英国的批评,都非常好啊!

  • 7 拉维克 2017-10-27 01:48:42


  • 2 Sherlock0726 2019-05-19 22:42:06

    第一次接触Ali Smith. 很特别的体验。因为除了主线,其他感觉朦胧。写作背景是Brexit,小说处处能够感受到人们担忧焦虑无助守旧或极端的情绪。开始觉得好笑,嘲笑英国人办事一板一眼,说话嘴还毒。越往后读才渐渐有点觉得,作者是在讽刺,抨击好笑又掰扯不清的公平及合理。很遗憾,我对故事大背景,欧洲的遗留历史问题,书里面的作品,人物都不甚了解。只能在大段排比中感到集体精神和群体生活状况!混乱又彷徨。 写作风格很新鲜。内容碎片一样呈现出来,时间线完全打乱。读者需要自己去拼凑一个完整的故事,拼图一样有参与感。语言诗一般,一点意识流。自己和自己对话,或者通过回忆或梦境来叙述别人的故事。会有一点联想到The English Patient。 读这本书前充分了解下背景更好。值得多读几遍!

  • 2 L. 2018-01-30 21:00:02

    Ali真的是Man Booker的村上春树了... 如果喜欢Plath或者Harper Lee是一个阶段,我目前读过的所有女作家里能在下一阶段的就只有Ali了,关内关外字里行间的民主情怀,读过Ali就会知道“文艺”这个词太过分的被滥用了...Autumn是四季之歌里的第一本,最近好像Winter刚出版吧。这本比较小,刚好快快看完接着Winter。

  • 3 信然 2017-03-03 07:11:53

    I think it is the last time I read Ali Smith's works. I did try my best to read two of her stories: How To Be Both and this one. Unfortunately, I do not like both of them. Beautiful language but boring stories.

  • 1 太阳小鸟花和我 2018-08-23 17:12:19

    Brexit, Scandal 63, World Wars, Feminism, Pop Art. A story that weaves all these elements together, so adeptly, beautifully, under a autumnal frame that adds touches of melancholy. I guess very few authors can be both panoramic and in-depth, both outward looking and inward looking, telling a story that is barely a story with compassion

  • 2 country bread 2019-10-23 11:51:08

    I appreciate the work& its intention but tbh i‘m very confused - the chapter about Boty felt like a different book, and the whole book is made out of references, requires researches to fully understand but doesn’t add much. Some snippets are good, language being (deceptively?) simple. But too many things on surface level - the last chapter is, bad.

  • 3 昏金暗玉 2019-08-13 01:28:50

    Daniel十六七岁时崇拜自己的妹妹,四十岁时不能自拔地爱上Pauline Boty,都早逝而辜负。近八十岁遇见了八岁的Elisabeth,他说finally。我最喜欢的一小段是E妈妈回忆四季尚分明时的夏夜,D给E放老电影,她看出窗外,it'd be a starry night and they'd be sitting in a little box of light。他们是有暗号的,虽然时隔多年,虽然E当中也曾无数次闭上眼睛,但一生中,能有两次,睁开眼睛时,所爱之人也同时睁开眼睛看着你,夫复何求。E母亲与童年偶像重逢交欢也是,她也一样,「从十岁就开始等你了」。D说人生到最后不外希望爱我们或对我们有所了解的人能真正看清我们,这个我懂,但那一页未完的句子到底是什么呢?我久久没有答案。

  • 1 黄小米 2018-03-06 04:09:23


  • 1 Dawnaif 2017-11-14 11:48:13


  • 1 津逮 2018-12-31 17:42:06

    听书听完的 如果是看书可能不会坚持

  • 3 bebe 2018-07-06 20:09:07


  • 0 未时 2020-09-02 23:10:47

    “It is possible, he said, to be in love not with someone but with their eyes. I mean, with how eyes that aren't yours let you see where you are, who you are." // 原来意识流才是我真爱??

  • 0 弯弯 2019-05-30 01:19:33

    breathless prose& word play. friendship btwn 101-yr-old Daniel and 32-y-o Elisabeth as foil for cynical hostile noncommunication a la brexit ('go home' graffiti, fence around empty land). pauline boty is power of art and feminism, christine keeler (whom she painted) as abused political pawn. D dreams in boty-esque collages. Story about art&stories.

  • 0 不吃西瓜 2021-03-28 23:41:19

    去YouTube看了大家的讨论,感觉我还是缺了太多background information.

  • 0 Go East 2022-03-28 19:27:15

    我讨厌英国当代文学!语句和结构切这么碎的意义在哪里,无聊且华而不实。 读这本书之前最好先了解一下Pauline Boty和Christine Keeler,我全程当虚拟人物在那读得一头雾水……看到Daniel在那空口描述画作,看半天不知道说了个啥……

  • 0 Janice 2022-02-04 19:22:39

    You gotta wait until the end when everything comes together. 看到有短评提到分析的乐趣大于阅读乐趣,阅读前没有看任何分析,也确实有没看懂的部分,但不影响从看懂的部分收获了很多想法和触动。文笔更不用说了。值得一个5🌟。

  • 1 崇光 2021-12-31 15:12:55

    Bombarding that fence with people's histories and with the artefacts of less cruel and more philanthropic times when the trees are revealing their structures and all the souls are out marauding. Still there're roses and there'll be more roses in this darkening night time. So keep searching for the scarlet till it lights up each translucent body.

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