
  • 反对使用wanna,ain't;gal;yucky 这些在国外日常生活其实并不常用的过于口语化的表达 Could you please rephrase(转述) the question Well,my best guess would be... (查看原文)
    rexhrg 2013-01-27 18:18:58
    —— 引自章节:D1-D3
  • part1:chat(平均每道题能回答3句话就不错了) part2:description(描述时要有适当的思考和停顿,描述需要一定的规划,需要有秩序,句式会有一些小变化,但是并不会像part1那样多变) part3:discussion(会用到很多逻辑关系的连词,会要求考生的答案比part1和part2更正式一些,) 。。。。 (查看原文)
    rexhrg 2013-01-27 18:18:58
    —— 引自章节:D1-D3
  • stuff;folks;pretty;fun=interesting;adore;shortly,spot=see;spot=place;eye-opening;decent=quite good;hang out;kind of=sort of=somewhat;like(比如说是,像是,差不多是);in a raw=one afer another;entire=whole/complete;...as well=too;...is a piece of cake;=...is a piece of cake;=...is a snap.=...is a breeze;during;know...inside out=know...backwards and forwards(精通);I'm all for;is no picnic=is a pain in the neck;...really bothers me./...is getting on my nerves;kick back and relax=let one's hair down a couple of=some;dozens of;loads of=piles of=tons of=a multitude of=make sense=be reasonable;by doing that,I kill two birds with one stone;...is the best+名词;hands down;...would be the last thing I want to do.That's the way the ball bounces;get the hang of.get...down pat;What a shame!...is nonexistent ..... (查看原文)
    rexhrg 2013-01-27 18:18:58
    —— 引自章节:D1-D3
  • podcast 不要频繁使用:Firstly,Secondly,Furthermore和Moreoover As I see it,.../I guess.../I suppose... As for...=When it comes to...=Talking about=Speaking of=tons of=loads of=piles of=a multitude of a wealth of... and the like=and stuff like that=and what not (查看原文)
    rexhrg 2013-01-27 18:23:34
    —— 引自章节:D4-D6