
  •   我想到近来我为理查德和我舅舅诵读的那些书:此刻,它们又浮现出来,字句零碎,片片段段——覆上了她的唇舌——抓住我的手——臀部,唇舌——半推半就地——握住我的胸脯——她私处的小花瓣——我无法令它们安静下来。我几乎能看到这些字句,于黑暗中,自苍白的书页中升起,汇聚,浮游,组合起来。我将手放在面前。我也不知道自己躺了多久。但我肯定是搞出了点声响,或者动静;因为当我放回双手,她就醒了,睁开了眼。我知道她在察看,尽管这床上非常黑。   “乖乖睡觉。”她说道,声音有些发闷。   我感觉到我睡衣中的双腿,一丝不挂。我感觉到双腿交会的那一点。我感觉到那些字句,仍在汇聚。她四肢的温度,从床铺织物中一点一点慢慢传过来。   我说道,“我怕——”   这时她的呼吸变了。她声音变的更清晰,更动听。她打了个哈欠。“什么?”她说道。她揉揉眼睛。她拨开额前头发。她若不是苏,是随便什么姑娘就好了!她若是阿格尼丝!她若是书中的某位姑娘——!在书里,姑娘之爱稀松平常。那就是那些书的卖点。   臀部,唇舌——   “你觉得我好吗?”我说道。   “好的,怎么?”   她觉得我好。曾经,这令我倍感安全。此刻,这仿佛是个陷阱。我说道,“我希望——我希望你能告诉我——”   “告诉你什么?小姐?”   告诉我,告诉我解救你的办法。也是解救我的办法。房间里一片漆黑,伸手不见五指。   臀部,唇舌——在书中,姑娘之爱稀松平常。   “我希望,”我说道,“我希望你能告诉我,一位妻子在她的新婚之夜里,该如何行事?”开始时很简单。毕竟,在我舅舅的书里是如此的:两个姑娘,一个博学,一个没知识……“他会想,”她说道,“亲吻你。他会想拥抱你。”这很简单。我说我该说的,至于她——得了少许激励——说了她该说的。   那些字句重新沉入书页中。这很简单,这很简单……   这时,她坐起,俯身过来将她的嘴唇放在我嘴... (查看原文)
    九识澪 4回复 25赞 2017-02-11 17:03:46
    —— 引自章节:第十章
  • 她只做了这么个动作,我看在眼里,就感觉心里猛然一沉——那种塌陷,那种坠落,夹杂着多少惊惶和黑暗,我以为那是恐惧,或者疯癫。 (查看原文)
    忆秋 3回复 9赞 2017-10-15 19:42:46
    —— 引自第287页
  • Kissing Maud, however, was not like kissing her. It was like kissing the darkness. As if the darkness had life, had a shape, had taste, was warm and glib. Her mouth was still, at first. Then it moved against mine. Then it opened. I felt her tongue. I felt her swallow. I felt—I had done it, only to show her. But I lay with my mouth on hers and felt, starting up in me, everything I had said would start in her, when Gentleman kissed her. It made me giddy. It made me blush, worse than before. It was like liquor. It made me drunk. I drew away. When her breath came now upon my mouth, it came very cold. My mouth was wet, from hers. I said, in a whisper, 'Do you feel it?' The words sounded queer; as if the kiss had done something to my tongue. I kissed her again. Then I touched her. I touched her... (查看原文)
    Double_vie 3回复 7赞 2012-02-09 16:59:18
    —— 引自第78页
  • 因为人无法从爱中获取利益,却能从轻蔑中榨出财富,像从抹布中扭绞出脏水,这就是事实。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 8赞 2012-09-21 20:57:00
    —— 引自第304页
  • 让我畏缩的并不是鞭打的警告,而是我知道强大的耐心能有多残酷。 (查看原文)
    忆秋 5赞 2017-10-24 12:27:02
    —— 引自第196页
  • 我感到了那条连在我和她之间的线,在拉扯着,拉扯着我的心——拉得那么紧,我的心都痛了。有九百九十九次,我差一点爬起来,差一点回到她身边去了。有九百九十九次,我对自己说,到她那儿去!你还在等什么?回到她身边去啊!但是每一次,我都会想到这样做将带来的后果。我知道,我不可能睡在她身边而不去抚摩她。我不可能感觉到她唇边的气息而不去吻她。我不可能在吻了她之后,而不想去救她。 (查看原文)
    天腐之国🌈 1回复 6赞 2018-01-18 22:03:29
    —— 引自第148页
  • 我提供给你的建议很棒也很特别,这不是通常那种妻子隶属于丈夫的婚姻关系——合法的掠夺与窃取却称之为婚姻生活的那种束缚。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 4赞 2012-03-30 00:17:30
    —— 引自第220页
  • 这就是最终让我伤害她的爱——不是轻蔑,也没有恶意,只有爱。 (查看原文)
    cling 3赞 2012-11-01 09:09:35
    —— 引自第287页
  • “我恨你。” “那就是恨你自己。你和我很像,比你认知中还像,我们的本质有缺陷,你以为这个世界应该爱我们吗?这个世界轻蔑我们,这可真感谢老天啊!因为人无法从爱中获取利益,却能从轻蔑中榨出财富,像从抹布中扭绞出脏水,这就是事实。你和我很像,我再说一次,你恨我,就是恨你自己。” 他的手温暖了我的脸。 “我的确恨我自己。”我闭上双眼。 (查看原文)
    Vv素素 3赞 2014-08-18 10:06:08
    —— 引自第304页
  • But the more I think it, the more I want her,the more my desire rises and swells. I have come to terrible life-or else, the things about me have come to life, their colours grown too vivid, their surfaces too harsh. ...Even my uncle's books are changed to me; and this is worse, this is worst of all. I have supposed them dead. Now the words-like the figures in the wall-start up, are filled with meaning. (查看原文)
    淇奥 2赞 2013-06-16 18:58:21
    —— 引自第279页
  • for the work tells of all the means a woman many employ to pleasure and another,when in want of a man (查看原文)
    淇奥 2赞 2013-06-16 18:58:21
    —— 引自第279页
  • Richard watches, his hand across his mouth, a look of amusement dawning on his face....in spite of Richard's dark, tormenting gaze (查看原文)
    淇奥 2赞 2013-06-16 18:58:21
    —— 引自第279页
  • She was like milk—too pale, too pure, too simple. She was made to be spoiled. (查看原文)
    Double_vie 1赞 2012-02-09 16:06:14
    —— 引自第75页
  • That is when I am still yooung, and given to fancies. When I am olderI do not walk by the river so much as I stand at the windows of the house and gaze at where I know the water flows. I stand at my own casement, for many hours at a time. And in the yellow paint that covers the glass of the windows of my uncle's library I one day, with my finger-nail, make a small and perfect crescent, to which I afterwards occasionally lean and place my eye---like a curious wife at the keyhole of a cabinet of secrets. But I am inside the cabinet, and long to get out... I am seventeen when Richard Rivers comes to Briar with a plot and a promise and the story of a gullible girl who can be fooled into helping me do it. (查看原文)
    SFfantasy 1回复 1赞 2012-06-12 23:58:37
    —— 引自第204页
  • I am beaten very often, I believe in my first days there. How could it be otherwise? I have known lively habits, the clamour of the wards, the doting of twenty women; now the hush and regularity of my uncle's house drives me to fits and foaming tempers. I am an amiable child, I think, made wilfull by restraint. I dash cups and saucers from the table to the floor. I lie and kick my legs until the boots fly from my heels. I scream until my throat bleeds. My passions are met with punishments, each fiercer than the last. I am bound about the wrists and month. I am shut into lonely rooms, or into cupboards. One time—having overturned a candke and let the flame lap at the frienges of a chair until they smoke—I am taken by Mr Way into the park and carried, along a lonely path, to the ice house. I... (查看原文)
    SFfantasy 1回复 1赞 2012-06-17 19:19:48
    —— 引自第192页
  • 我想:你来到荆棘山庄,就是要吞噬淹没我。 (查看原文)
    cling 1赞 2012-11-01 09:03:40
    —— 引自第242页
  • 一方面是恐惧,一方面是骄傲,但骄傲终会战胜恐惧。 (查看原文)
    Vv素素 1赞 2014-08-12 15:27:40
    —— 引自第46页
  • I felt tears rise into my throat. 'You have taken everything that was mine,'I said.'You have taken it,and made it better.' 'I took it,'she answered,'because it was yours.Because I must!' 'Why must you?Why?' She opened her mouth to speak.Then she looked at Mrs Sucksby and her face changed. 'For villainy`s sake,'she said flatly.'For villainy`s sake.Because you were right,before:my face is a false one,my mouth is an actress mouth,my blushes tell lies,my eyes—My eyes—'She looked away.Her voice had begun to rise.She made it flat again.'Richard found that,afrer all,we must wait for our money,longer than we thought.' (查看原文)
    Paranoia。 1赞 2017-02-07 09:28:29
    —— 引自第524页
  • 如果你对人生的期待,就只是端餐盘和烤酥皮点心,那么这些事情的确就是生死攸关。 (查看原文)
    丝咖喱 1赞 2020-05-23 19:45:58
    —— 引自第87页
  • 没有痛,我也没有叫。只是,那是一种奇异的感觉的混合:金属的摩擦,她握着我下巴的手的压力,她轻柔的呼吸。她一边磨,一边注视着我的牙,我避无可避,只能看她的脸,我于是看她的眼。我发现,她的一只眼中有一点深褐,接近黑色的斑。我看她的脸,轮廓线条平滑。我看她的耳朵,整洁匀称,耳垂已经穿了挂耳环或耳坠的孔。“这是怎么穿的?”我曾经走近她身边,把指尖放在那小小的凹陷处问过。“哎,用针呀,小姐,”她说,“再加一点冰…”顶针还在磨着。她笑,“我姨妈常这样,”她一边磨一边说,“帮那些小孩磨。我敢说她也给我磨过——就快好了,哈!”她磨慢了些,停下来,检查了下,又接着磨,“给小孩弄是件麻烦事,肯定的,有时候顶针会滑脱,唉,我知道有几个就这样没了。” 我不知道她的意思是顶针没了,还是小孩没了。她的手指,我的唇,都湿了。我吞咽,再吞咽,我抬起的舌头,触到了她的手指。她的手忽然间显得很大,很陌生。我想到银顶针上的污渍,我以为我的呼吸弄湿了它,正使它脱落。我以为我尝到了它的味道。也许,如果她磨的时间再长一点,我会开始恐慌。顶针的速度又慢了下来,很快,她停了。她用拇指再试了试,手在我的下巴上多握了一秒,然后,就放开了。 (查看原文)
    momo 1赞 2021-05-11 19:31:34
    —— 引自第263页
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