学习敏捷的书评 (2)

因为我在种豆子 2024-04-17 15:43:12

敏捷虽不复杂, 但需要学习它

翻译的非常棒, 流畅自然, 贴合原文。 看得也比较快, 没有发现什么错误。 敏捷就跟所有其他都要等出世十几年, 才能在国内热烈讨论的技术实践一样 (TDD, 重构, 微服务, DDD, CICD, devops),可能真的想去了解的时候, 已经有一波跟风效仿却收效甚微的公司或团队在唱衰...  (展开)
Loveian 2018-08-24 14:21:02 O'Reilly Media2014版



An agile mindset is about opening up planning, design, and process improvement to the entire team. A good developer almost always has opinions not just about his own code, but about the whole direction of the project. Sometimes you need to see the same conc...  (展开)
