General Introduction
Section I - Ecology 1
1: The marine environment, N. P. Holliday and S. Henson
2: Plankton biodiversity and biogeography, G. Beaugrand
3: Phytoplankton productivity, J. A. Raven
4: Zooplankton productivity, A. G. Hirst
5: Phytoplankton biogeochemical cycles, C. Robinson
6: Zooplankton biogeochemical cycles, D. K. Steinberg
7: Plankton and global change, M. Edwards
8: Plankton and Fisheries, K. Brander
Section II - Methodology 89
9: Sampling, preservation, and counting of samples i) Phytoplankton, A. C. Kraberg, K. Metfies, and R. Stern
10: Sampling, preservation, and counting of samples ii) Zooplankton, P. H. Wiebe, M. C. Benfield, and A. Bucklin
Section III - Taxonomy 137
Introduction to Taxonomy, R. Stern, M. Wootton, and C. Castellani
Part 1 - Phytoplankton 149
Phytoplankton: Diatoms, A. C. Kraberg and R. Stern
Phytoplankton: Dinoflagellates, A. C. Kraberg and R. Stern
Phytoplankton: Flagellates, R. Stern, H. Esson, and C. Balestreri
Part 2 - Zooplankton 181
Protozooplankton: Ciliates, A. Kraberg, J. Yang, R. Stern, and M. Strüder-Kypke
Protozooplankton: Radiolaria and Achantharia, R. Stern, C. Taylor, S. Sadri, J. Decelle, and F. Not
Protozooplankton: Foraminifera, R. Stern, C. Taylor, and S. Sadri
Cnidaria: Schyphozoa and non-colonial Hydrozoa, P. Licandro, A. Fischer, and D. Lindsay
Cnidaria: colonial Hydrozoa (Siphonophorae), P. Licandro, C. Carré, and D. Lindsay
Ctenophora, P. Licandro and D. Lindsay
Crustacea: Introduction, C. Castellani
Crustacea: Copepoda, M. Wootton and C. Castellani
Crustacea: Branchiopoda, C. Castellani
Crustacea: Cirripedia and Facetotecta, E. Southward
Crustacea: Ostracoda, M. V. Angel and A. W. John
Crustacea: Decapoda, C. Buckland, C. Castellani, J. A. Lindley, and A. dos Santos
Crustacea: Stomatopoda, C. Castellani, C. Buckland, J. A. Lindley, and D. Conway
Crustacea: Lophogastrida and Mysida, C. Castellani, M. Lehtiniemi, and K. Meland
Crustacea: Amphipoda, T. Jonas
Crustacea: Euphausiacea, J. A. Lindley
Anellida: holoplanktonic Polychaeta, C. Castellani and R. Camp
Mollusca: holoplanktonic molluscs, S. Lischka and H. Ossenbrügger
Chaetognatha, A. C. Pierrot-Bults
Echinodermata, D.V.P. Conway, C. Castellani, and E. C. Southward
Bryozoa, J. Fuchs and J. Bishop
Brachiopoda, J. Fuchs
Phoronida, J. Fuchs
Rotifera, D. V. P. Conway and C. Castellani
Chordata: Thaliacea, P. Licandro and M. Brunetta
Chordata: Appendicularia, G. Gorsky and C. Castellani
Chordata: Fish eggs and larvae, P. Munk and J. G. Nielsen
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