This history of modern Iran is not a survey in the conventional sense but an ambitious exploration of the story of a nation. It offers a revealing look at how events, people, and institutions are shaped by currents that sometimes reach back hundreds of years. The book covers the complex history of the diverse societies and economies of Iran against the background of dynastic ch...
This history of modern Iran is not a survey in the conventional sense but an ambitious exploration of the story of a nation. It offers a revealing look at how events, people, and institutions are shaped by currents that sometimes reach back hundreds of years. The book covers the complex history of the diverse societies and economies of Iran against the background of dynastic changes, revolutions, civil wars, foreign occupation, and the rise of the Islamic Republic.
Abbas Amanat combines chronological and thematic approaches, exploring events with lasting implications for modern Iran and the world. Drawing on diverse historical scholarship and emphasizing the twentieth century, he addresses debates about Iran’s culture and politics. Political history is the driving narrative force, given impetus by Amanat's decades of research and study. He layers the book with discussions of literature, music, and the arts; ideology and religion; economy and society; and cultural identity and heritage.
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Abbas Amanat is professor of history and international studies at Yale University and director of the Yale Program in Iranian Studies at the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. He lives in North Haven, CT.
古波斯知名神秘主义诗人莫拉维·贾拉鲁丁·鲁米曾写下一句著名的诗句:“真主啊,我想念我的城市,我的土地!世界是一具尸体。大多数人像野狗……What you seek is seeking you.” 伊朗20世纪最具影响力的诗人芙茹弗·法洛克扎德(Forough Farrokhzad)也曾有过一句名言:“在...
1 有用 Padi-Shah 2021-10-14 03:25:01
什叶派成为伊朗的国教应该和伊尔汗国有关吧。。伊尔汗完者都皈依什叶派的理由是:什叶派支持成吉思汗大位属于其后裔,逊尼派主张诸哈剌赤将士。当然后来霍梅尼推翻巴列维王朝就是说,什叶派不允许君主制才建立了伊斯兰共和国。不过影响深远的还是萨法维王朝,对于伊朗人来说,崇奉候赛因和他们的伊玛目的原因——因为他们所承认的伊玛目均来自波斯国王女儿莎茨娜的后代,而不是像他们自己所宣称的那样:是由于他们喜欢阿拉伯先知的... 什叶派成为伊朗的国教应该和伊尔汗国有关吧。。伊尔汗完者都皈依什叶派的理由是:什叶派支持成吉思汗大位属于其后裔,逊尼派主张诸哈剌赤将士。当然后来霍梅尼推翻巴列维王朝就是说,什叶派不允许君主制才建立了伊斯兰共和国。不过影响深远的还是萨法维王朝,对于伊朗人来说,崇奉候赛因和他们的伊玛目的原因——因为他们所承认的伊玛目均来自波斯国王女儿莎茨娜的后代,而不是像他们自己所宣称的那样:是由于他们喜欢阿拉伯先知的后裔。所以,正确的应该说:他们喜欢的是波斯国王后裔——从母系来说的波斯人十二伊玛目的祖先;他们喜欢的是候赛因孩子的外祖父——波斯国王,而非候赛因的外祖父。 (展开)
1 有用 CG陶菲克 2021-01-31 05:06:04
0 有用 P 2024-06-17 15:25:59 北京