The Upstarts 短评

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  • 0 GARGOYLE 2018-10-26 12:17:07

    Starting up revolution, reshaping future against the establishment is never an easy task, but a life worth living~ With the right scope and WW impact, becoming decacorn is just the inevitable~democratic的union永远在维护小团体利益阻碍进程 而极端的totalitarian让问题解决或者决无可能或者friction free &&当然某司历史也很有趣 UAE明明封了IP这周还默默刷了个大新闻 #WelcomToTheGame #HACK

  • 0 熊出请猪医 2017-10-16 15:22:45

    喜马拉雅【听书】【初创“大”公司】----Uber篇 正确的时间,做出正确的事情。创始人一个机缘的巧合萌发蒙想,想改变打车现状,结合自身的生活想法开发新打车软件。 2017-10-16

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