How could we freely pursue the meaning of being by means of exegeses of theological texts and avoid bolstering the Devine sovereignty while displacing it onto subjective self-certainty?
作者: Ryan Coyne 副标题: The Remains of Saint Augustine in "Being and Time" and Beyond isbn: 022641907X 书名: Heidegger's Confessions 页数: 312 定价: USD 27.00 出版社: University of Chicago Press 出版年: 2015-5
0 有用 芝加哥驴 2022-05-16 13:53:59
可能是近十年来英语学界最好的海德格尔研究 颠覆了Taminiaux和Volpi的范式
0 有用 白鱼 2024-11-18 09:11:13 北京
How could we freely pursue the meaning of being by means of exegeses of theological texts and avoid bolstering the Devine sovereignty while displacing it onto subjective self-certainty?