'Sometimes it feels like I might be the only person awake in the whole country. People might find that a lonely thought. Not me...'
As the rest of the world sleeps, the Gritterman goes out to work. Through the wind and the snow. Through the blue-black hours when time slips away, he grits the paths and the pavements and the roads. For him, a life without gritting is no life at all...
A song for the unsung hero, this is a story about stoicism, dignity and a man leaving behind the work that he loves. It is accompanied by the author's own illustrations.
0 有用 Keren 2017-12-25 08:27:38
55555 不知怎么讲,但感觉窥探到了奥兰多的内心。 有点窃喜可以通过这样的方式却又很寂寞。
0 有用 #撤离豆瓣中# 2017-10-13 02:26:38
0 有用 betteroblivion 2020-12-02 23:42:32
A melancholy story of loss and love, being alone and loneliness. 每年冬天重温绘本,soundtrack on repeat。
0 有用 betteroblivion 2020-12-02 23:42:32
A melancholy story of loss and love, being alone and loneliness. 每年冬天重温绘本,soundtrack on repeat。
0 有用 Keren 2017-12-25 08:27:38
55555 不知怎么讲,但感觉窥探到了奥兰多的内心。 有点窃喜可以通过这样的方式却又很寂寞。
0 有用 #撤离豆瓣中# 2017-10-13 02:26:38