HELP的书评 (2)

酱猪鲜草 2018-05-26 22:10:34

Do Nothing

我几乎着了魔重复看这本书的第三章 Me but better — The actor. Simon很久以后第一次遇到Ben老师We found a quiet corner and I then spent the next hour trying to appear to be the most calm, sensitive and connected version of myself that anyone had ever exp...  (展开)
Sami 2017-11-24 23:20:25


Maybe the only thing to do while we're alive on this planet with no clear idea why, is to hold each other until we feel a bit less troubled. 从预热就一直关注,出来之后第一时间找在曼城的朋友帮忙寄回来一本,按耐不住想要读的心情,应该更多的是好奇和窥探吧,看之...  (展开)
