
  • 玛德琳的字典 💎 承诺💎( cheng nuo)名词、动词 💎你想隐藏起来的谎言。💎 2015,准提尔] (查看原文)
    when2010 2020-08-07 22:29:40
    —— 引自第198页
  • Wanting just leads to more wanting. There's no end to desire. (查看原文)
    🍛 2020-05-03 18:29:02
  • Into all lives a little turbulence must fall. (查看原文)
    🍛 2020-05-03 18:29:02
  • Everything's different and the same. I'm still Maddy. Olly's still Olly. But we're both more somehow. I know him in a new way. And I feel known, too. (查看原文)
    🍛 2020-05-03 18:29:02