Made to Stick的书评 (2)

Sophie 2009-05-07 17:33:01

A Useful Checklist on How to Present Your Ideas_by Sophielihui

The SUCCESs chcklist: Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions and Stories. The author definitely knows how to make his book "sticky". There is no preaching, just one story after another. An easy and fun read with useful notes & refe...  (展开)
埃姆维霹 2023-08-16 21:42:20

<Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die>读后


3个想法 关于书的标题 这个标题不知道怎么翻译好,我从机翻中找到的一个比较好的翻译是「让想法深入人心:为什么一些想法流行而其他却沉寂」。用我最讨厌的话说就是如何让想法最有流量。对,我讨厌的是「流量」这个词。一个中性词,硬生生被用成了贬义词。 让想法深入人心的6个...  (展开)

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