Equilibrium Unemployment Theory 短评

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  • 0 daphoon 2014-05-10 22:19:37

    看了之后才发现对我没什么用。。。对reg monkey吸引力有限。但内容有意思

  • 0 SuSo 2020-04-15 16:01:32

    Its chapter 1 is definitely benchmark textbook DMP. However those with end destruction and OJS are not formulations in favor. But it is clear that the author stresses for analytical tractability so almost all its comparative stat are done using calculus rather than simulations. Kudos to that! It is somewhat outdated with no directed search etc.

  • 0 Parapluie 2020-04-26 10:08:17

    我太难了 工藤放我一马!!!

  • 0 Hammerklavier 2013-05-22 02:14:08

    A classic read. Covers major aspects of random search framework, with extensions in endogenous destruction, OJS, and ex-post heterogeneity. Does not cover other frameworks (wage posting, directed search, island model), so need to read more than this one. Search theory is alive and well.

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