Dysfunction of a team
1. Absence of trust:
Members of great teams trust one another on a fundamental, emotional level, and they are comfortable being vulnerable with each other about their weaknesses, mistakes, fears, and behaviors. They get to a point where they can be completely open with one another; without filters.
2. Fear of conflict:
Teams that trust one another are not afraid to engage in passionate dialogue around issues and decisions that are key to the organization's success. They do not hesitate to disagree with, challenge, and question one another, all in the spirit of finding the best answers, discovering the truth, and making great decisions.
3. Lack of commitment:
Teams that engage in unfiltered conflict are able to achieve genuine buy-in around important decisions... (查看原文)
Here's how it goes
At a staff meeting or off-site, go around the room and have
every member of the team explain three things: where they grew
how ny kids were in their family, and what was the most
IP difficult or important challenge of their childhood (but not their innerchildhood; just the most important challenge of being a kid!) (查看原文)
作者: Patrick Lencioni 副标题: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators (J-B Lencioni Series) isbn: 0787976377 书名: Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team 页数: 180 定价: USD 26.95 出版社: Jossey-Bass 装帧: Paperback 出版年: 2005-03-10