Whipping Girl 短评

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  • 1 C 2016-03-09 12:58:16

    Best book on transgenderism

  • 1 Morphy 2024-04-29 17:39:39 比利时

    漏洞百出。说trans的根源是subconscious sex,那岂不就一种gender essentialism? trans人士似乎都display a form of self-obsesssion&narcissism 世界围着“我”转,即便感觉自己没有什么变化,从而下binary gender is “the product of mass hallucination”自我矛盾的结论。当自己physically appears as a female 并遭遇一些不公正对待时又天真地说 no need to squeeze myself in the box,I’m just being myself 承认吧,gender dysphoria 就是一种mental disorder

  • 0 Homura 2023-09-02 07:34:58 上海


  • 0 Nova 2022-03-17 14:12:42


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