Frankie Manning 短评

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  • 1 xun 2021-04-06 17:27:58

    1-我居然是第一个?mark过这本书的人,咱们在现实里是不是都见过; 2-19年底就报了名买了书,原目标是在20年herrang前看完,结果到现在中文版都出了才看完。。。(论活动的动力) 3-i'm finally seeing what i've wanted to see my whole life-people from all over the world, with smiles on their faces, getting together to dance. 这何尝不是一种i would like to teach the world to sing的宏源。on top of the world。

  • 1 2024-05-17 22:30:34 上海

    恋恋不舍的看完了 泪流满面…

  • 0 Lyre 2021-01-23 19:19:42


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