《A Dance with Dragons》的原文摘录

  • “您扪心自问,如果所有人都面朝黄土过完一生,谁来抬头仰望无尽的星空?如果所有人都为生存疲于奔命,谁来建造赞美神明的恢弘宇宙?” (查看原文)
    毛茸大师🐶 1赞 2017-09-18 09:51:31
    —— 引自章节:丹妮莉丝
  • “主动出击。”达里奥马上说,“如果四面受敌,被动防御就是等死,左支右绌终有应接不暇之日。” “宁为刀俎不为鱼肉。强者都是屠夫,包括女人在内。” (查看原文)
    毛茸大师🐶 1赞 2017-09-18 09:51:31
    —— 引自章节:丹妮莉丝
  • He posted sentries to see that no one left the confines of the village. He sent out scouts as well, to make certain no enemy took them unawares. It was near midnight when two came riding back with a woman they had taken captive. “She rode up bold as you please, m’lord, demanding words with you.” Jaime scrambled to his feet. “My lady. I had not thought to see you again so soon.” Gods be good, she looks ten years older than when I saw her last. And what’s happened to her face? “That bandage … you’ve been wounded …” “A bite.” She touched the hilt of her sword, the sword that he had given her. Oathkeeper. “My lord, you gave me a quest.” “The girl. Have you found her?” “I have,” said Brienne, Maid of Tarth. “Where is she?” “A day’s ride. I can take you to her, ser … but you will nee... (查看原文)
    JacieNL 2011-07-22 09:27:25
    —— 引自章节:Jaime
  • 阅读者在死前已经以不同的身份活过上千次。”玖健说道。“从不读书的人却只活了一次 (查看原文)
    Leo 2011-12-13 16:32:31
    —— 引自章节:第34章 Bran
  • Jon could feel her heat, even through his wool and boiled leather. The sight of them arm in arm was drawing curious looks. They will be whispering in the barracks tonight. “If you can truly see the morrow in your flames, tell me when and where the next wildling attack will come.” He slipped his arm free. “R’hllor sends us what visions he will, but I shall seek for this man Tormund in the flames.” Melisandre’s red lips curled into a smile. “I have seen you in my fires, Jon Snow.” “Is that a threat, my lady? Do you mean to burn me too?” “You mistake my meaning.” She gave him a searching look. “I fear that I make you uneasy, Lord Snow.” Jon did not deny it. “The Wall is no place for a woman.” “You are wrong. I have dreamed of your Wall, Jon Snow. Great was the lore that raised it, and gr... (查看原文)
    Loras 2012-02-22 21:50:57
    —— 引自章节:Chapter3 JON
  • “This child king commands the wealth of Casterly Rock and the power of Highgarden. He has the Boltons and the Freys.” Lord Godric rubbed his chin. “Still … in this world only winter is certain. Ned Stark told my father that, here in this very hall.” “Ned Stark was here?” “At the dawn of Robert’s Rebellion. The Mad King had sent to the Eyrie for Stark’s head, but Jon Arryn sent him back defiance. Gulltown stayed loyal to the throne, though. To get home and call his banners, Stark had to cross the mountains to the Fingers and find a fisherman to carry him across the Bite. A storm caught them on the way. The fisherman drowned, but his daughter got Stark to the Sisters before the boat went down. They say he left her with a bag of silver and a bastard in her belly. Jon Snow, she named him, af... (查看原文)
    Loras 2012-04-10 18:19:10
    —— 引自章节:Chapter9 DAVOS
  • The dwarf laughed last; he could paddle passably well, and did … until his legs began to cramp. Young Griff extended him a pole. “You are not the first to try and drown me,” he told Duck, as he was pouring river water from his boot. “My father threw me down a well the day I was born, but I was so ugly that the water witch who lived down there spat me back.” He pulled off the other boot, then did a cartwheel along the deck, spraying all of them. Young Griff laughed. “Where did you learn that?” “The mummers taught me,” he lied. “My mother loved me best of all her children because I was so small. She nursed me at her breast till I was seven. That made my brothers jealous, so they stuffed me in a sack and sold me to a mummer’s troupe. When I tried to run off the master mummer cut off half my... (查看原文)
    Loras 2012-04-27 18:23:19
    —— 引自章节:Chapter14 TYRION
  • Kill the boy within you. It takes a man to rule. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born. (查看原文)
    Q. 2012-05-05 15:53:43
    —— 引自第103页
  • The more you give a king, the more he wants. We are walking on a bridge of ice with an abyss on either side. Pleasing one king is difficult enough. Pleasing two is hardly possible. (查看原文)
    Enkay 2012-05-05 17:23:14
    —— 引自第108页
  • Mother of dragons, Daenerys thought. Mother of monsters. What have I unleashed upon the world? A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros? I am the blood of the dragon, she thought. If they are monsters, so am I. (查看原文)
    Enkay 2012-05-08 13:11:46
    —— 引自第175页
  • The best lies are seasoned with a bit of truth. (查看原文)
    Enkay 2012-05-13 13:45:38
    —— 引自第204页
  • Even with Galbart Glover’s wife, the pious Lady Sybelle, he had been correct and courteous but plainly uncomfortable. This southron king seemed to be one of those men to whom women are another race, as strange and unfathomable as giants and grumkins and the children of the forest. (查看原文)
    三七 2回复 2012-05-26 19:30:05
    —— 引自第481页
  • The night was white as death;pale thin clouds danced attendance on a silver moon, while a thousand stars watched coldly. (查看原文)
    银白苜蓿 2012-05-28 20:33:36
    —— 引自第10页
  • He had dreamed enough for one small life. And of such follies: love, justice, friendship,glory. As well dreaming of being tall. (查看原文)
    银白苜蓿 2012-05-28 23:29:32
    —— 引自章节:Tyrion
  • Kill the boy within you, I told him the day I took ship for the Wall. It takes a man to rule. An Aegon, not an Egg. Kill the boy and let the man be born. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2012-06-03 15:40:10
    —— 引自章节:Jon
  • They had fallen into one of Old Nan's tales. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2012-06-05 09:07:52
    —— 引自章节:Bran
  • The gods are blind. And men see only what they wish. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2012-06-13 11:10:11
    —— 引自章节:Tyrion
  • "The moon was a crescent, thin and sharp as the blade of a knife." (查看原文)
    [已注销] 1回复 2012-06-19 12:01:03
    —— 引自章节:Bran
  • 他就在战场正中,举着一把跟自己等大的斧头,与“无畏的”巴利斯坦和寒铁并肩奋战。魔龙在天空中盘旋。在梦中他有两个头,两个头都没鼻子。父亲是敌军统帅,所以他又杀了父亲一次,接着击毙了哥哥詹姆。他拿斧头把哥哥的脸砸成一团红色稀泥,每砸一下都会哈哈大笑。直到战斗结束,他才发现自己的另一头已泣不成声。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2012-12-27 14:05:29
    —— 引自第96页
  • 男人才能统治天下。你得做伊耿,跟伊戈永别。杀死心中的男孩,承担男人的责任 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2012-12-27 15:23:40
    —— 引自第123页