
  • 科特耸耸肩。“只有失去了,我才懂得珍惜。”他说。夏洛特仿佛被击中了。“我知道那句话,”她对我说,“那是他遗书里的一句话。他怎么会知道?他已经写过了?他知道自己打算干什么了?“ ”我不知道。“我告诉她。我不想说下去了。我退到了门口,正要出去时,听到她开始和他说话。 ”不要去做你考虑的那件事,“她恳求他,”你不知道你有多特别,你不知道你对我有多重要,“她认认真真地说,仿佛面对的是一个行字,”不要离开我。你不能那么对我。“ 她靠向科特.柯本,似乎想要伸出双臂拥抱他。她好像忘了自己的胳膊无法动态,也忘了她想拥抱的那个人其实并不存在。 (查看原文)
    Turfer 1回复 2019-04-23 14:47:40
    —— 引自第1703页
  • She leans toward Kurt Cobain like she wants to throw her arms around him and hold him, like she's forgotten that her arms don't work and there's no him to embrace. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Nirvana
  • Inside the wallet are a Costco membership card, some cash and a handwritten list of Internet casinos with ID numbers and passwords. There is a California driver's license with an address in L.A. that Nonc could map with his DIAD, and there's an ancient laminated doctor's note stating that he is a mute. Nonc picks up a key chain, a large one with all manner of car keys, Toyota, Ford, Hyundai. One of the keys is for a boat, a Grady-White, which are the best. And there's a packet of white hankies, which his father used to clean his trach tube. All this stuff is just sitting on Nonc's lap. He feels like he's rifling through it, like his dad might walk in at any moment and catch him. He feels like his father died long ago, and these are relics. He brushes it all onto the couch, the keys, the ca... (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Hurricanes Anonymous
  • Nonc knows that someday, after Marnie takes the boy back and he grows older, he won't remember these moments, the way they showered early at the Red Cross, foraged for their morning pizza, roamed the countryside together in a brown panel van. It's probably a good thing, Nonc tells himself. Developmentally, it's got to be good for him. He strokes the boy's hair. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Hurricanes Anonymous
  • Interesting fact: The kanji for irrational, I learned, is a combination of the elements woman and death. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Interesting Facts
  • Interesting fact: The kanji for figure is a combination of the elements next and woman. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Interesting Facts
  • Interesting facts: Chuck Norris tackles seventeen bad guys at once in Missing in Action III. Clint Eastwood takes up the gun again in Unforgiven. George Clooney is hauntingly vulnerable in The Descendants. Do you know why? Dead wives. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Interesting Facts
  • [The curator] indicates all the students in the cafe with us. "Look at how they stare at these phones. That is our biggest competition. On the tours, half of them are updating their Facebook pages, texting their friends, tweeting and so on. Some YouTube the entire tour but never seem to experience it. To think what the Stasi went through to spy on us. Even they couldn't dream of a world in which citizens voluntarily carried tracking devices, conducted self-surveillance and reported on themselves, morning, noon and night." (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:George Orwell Was a Friend of
  • A prison is not a pretty place, this we know. Perhaps it would be easier on a wife and daughter if a man were a farmer or a folksinger. But someone must run the facilities, someone must undertake the unpleasant tasks. It's not like, with a father who'd been imprisoned by the Soviets, I could advance in the Party. It's not like, with a mother who'd nursed Germans and GIs alike, I was welcome at any universities, which I'd dreamed of attending. And Nina forgets that she went to the best schools because of my service. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:George Orwell Was a Friend of
  • Soon his attention returned to Seoul's bewildering nature. Here were women in plastic surgery masks and little dogs wearing dresses. Passing a fitness center, DJ stared at rows of men running on treadmills. What force was driving them? What were they running from? Next came a cat cafe and a parlor where teenage girls danced with machines. At an empty shopping plaza, he watched an escalator endlessly cycle, the steps appearing, rising and disappearing as it carried no one up to nowhere. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Fortune Smiles
  • Soon they were leaning against the dasher boards, watching the skaters carve the ice. The music was loud, so you couldn't hear the best part—the blades scissoring the curves. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Fortune Smiles
  • Mina laughed at this. "And what do you think I should sing about?" "How about a woman searching for her husband? She never gives up. In fact, she plays her accordion at every subway stop in Seoul." "You think that would make a good song?" "Are you kidding?" Dj asked. "It would get you on one of those contest shows. A beautiful woman makes a daring escape and then scours a new country, playing North Korean tunes in search of the man she loves. There wouldn't be a dry eye in the house." Mina started playing again. "I only said I had to find my husband," she said. "I never claimed to love him." I never claimed to love him. Dj heard those words through an entire dishwashing shift. The water was scalding hot. It penetrated his hands, gave him focus. And the racks of dishes never ended. DJ didn... (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Fortune Smiles
  • [A veteran DJ met in the male dormitory said:] "When I was over there, everything was bobby-trapped. Man, all I wanted was to get out. We weren't in combat or anything. That was the Americans. But anything you came across might blow up—a car, a Dumpster, a pile of trash. And shit blew, trust me, I saw it. I had to take pills to sleep. The funny thing is, now I can't stop thinking about that place. When I close my eyes, Iraq is all I see." (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Fortune Smiles
  • Stephanie is my Pleiades, my Polaris, my Hokule'a and Southern Cross. (查看原文)
    #流岚# 2021-06-02 23:07:46
    —— 引自章节:Acknowledgments
  • 如果医生说得没错,这一次农克的父亲死定了,可事实是,这不过是一起“事件”罢了。生活中的“事件”层出不穷,当它们发生时,你只需对此做出调整,然后继续运转、前行。然而在某个时刻,比如当你的女朋友玛妮告诉你她怀孕了,你意识到一些“事件”木已成舟,你意识到有一个一无所知的大计划正围绕你编织开来,而“事态发展”就是朝那个新方向迈出的第一步。有人塞给你一个孩子一这就是一个“事态发展”,是一个阴谋。你不能对前女友玩失踪无动于衷,这是重大的“事态发展”。有时事态会有极度恶劣的发展一你的工资被扣押,你父亲开着你的车离开镇子,你被驱逐,你的财产被没收,可你及时做出了调整,找到了一条新路,发现自己并没有脱离原有的轨道,并没有被改变,它们不过是一起起“事件”而已。事实是,飓风丝毫没有改变农克的生活,以此推论,父亲的去世也改变不了什么。在农克看来,真正的微妙之处在于分辨出“事件”与“事态发展”之间的差别。 (查看原文)
    躲张 2021-08-11 14:20:03
    —— 引自章节:None
  • 我从她的脸上看到一种天真的、轻信于人的坦率。她将这种表情展现给世界——一个尚未向她展露其真实的黑暗和毫无悔意的本质的世界。一部分的我想要杀死窃取她这种表情的小偷,而另一部分面目可憎、高深莫测的我又觉得对于小偷而言,这样的偷窃再正常不过了。 (查看原文)
    躲张 2021-08-11 14:23:44
    —— 引自第206页
  • 我是为了她们才这么做的。她们需要我的照料,我现在理解了,我能够成为她们生命中一股向善的力量。我就是那个听到信号的人,我就是那个知道密码的人。赫尔南德斯警官不明白的是,一旦不幸之事发生了,它就会渗透到你生命中的每时每刻。这种不幸是无法弥补的,无论弥补的方式是一场营救、一次突击搜査、一条自杀用的绳索还是十四万美元。采取行动的时刻不是将来,也不是过去,而是现在。月光下,珍珠般的精液跌落到一朵玫瑰花上并不是什么美丽的事。这只是一种责任,是当天真的孩子在睡觉时,我必须去做的事。 (查看原文)
    躲张 2021-08-11 14:25:35
    —— 引自第233页