
  • “什么叫歹徒?” “舞刀弄枪的家伙。” “你是个歹徒吗?” “当然了,”我笑着说,“不过严格说起来,所谓歹徒是指没站对地方的人。” “我常常怀疑到底站在哪边才算真站对了。” (查看原文)
    西堤熟客 1赞 2012-09-03 15:17:42
    —— 引自第167页
  • 一串串气泡在里面往上冒,就像一场场空欢喜。 (查看原文)
    红皇后 3回复 2赞 2018-05-19 09:21:08
    —— 引自第226页
  • Under the thinning fog the surf curled and creamed, almost without sound, like a thought trying to form itself on the edge of consciousness. (查看原文)
    Dr.Phisher 2赞 2018-08-05 06:43:43
    —— 引自章节:Chapter Twenty-three
  • 如果一个人体重一百九十磅而又能表现得一派风流潇洒的样子,那正是我这时努力的目标。 (查看原文)
    深白色 1赞 2012-06-11 17:20:51
    —— 引自第58页
  • 他想写一部“人人都在作品里无忧无虑地散步”的小说。 他不喜欢看大海,因为海里有太多的水和太多淹死的人。 他说:“我是个没有家的人...到现在,还是。” (查看原文)
    深白色 1赞 2012-06-11 17:20:51
    —— 引自第58页
  • 我们开车离开拉斯奥林达斯,接连经过几个临海的阴冷小镇,窝棚似的屋子建在靠近汹涌波涛的沙地上,更大的屋子建在海滩另一侧的山坡上。偶尔见到一扇亮着黄色灯光的窗户,但大多数屋子都已经熄灯。海草的腥味从海面飘来,黏附在雾气上。轮胎在潮湿的混凝土路面上唱着小曲。世界是一整团湿乎乎的虚无。 用功力如此深厚的景物描写展现马洛的心理状态,还调节了一下叙事节奏,钱德勒是真的牛 (查看原文)
    荒野侦探 1赞 2021-11-22 21:35:40
    —— 引自第133页
  • “事到如今,只好让别人代劳来放纵自己的恶习,倒也挺好,”他干巴巴地说,“你眼前的,是个纸醉金迷过后、麻木不堪的幸存者,是个双腿瘫痪、下身只剩一半的残疾人。我几乎什么也不能吃,已经无所谓睡觉不睡觉,跟醒着快没了区别。我好像基本靠高温才活着,如同一只刚出生的蜘蛛。那些兰花是建暖房的借口罢了。你喜欢兰花吗?” (查看原文)
    ibelieve 1赞 2022-02-03 03:36:41
    —— 引自第6页
  • 奥尔斯一声不出地望着他,两条淡白色的眉毛弯弯的、一根根地扎扎着,像富勒尔制刷公司免费赠送的两把刷瓜果的小刷子。 Ohls looked at him silently, his pale eyebrows bristling and stiff and round like the little vegetable brushes the Fuller Brush man gives away. (查看原文)
    无机客 2012-01-02 22:07:31
    —— 引自第135页
  • 一旦你死去了,躺在哪里又有什么关系呢?是躺在龌龊的水坑里,还是躺在高高伫立的山峰上的大理石宝塔里?你已经死了,你再也不会醒来,这些事你就再也不去计较了。 (查看原文)
    西堤熟客 1回复 2012-09-03 20:02:14
    —— 引自第257页
  • 一旦你死去了,躺在哪里又有什么关系呢?是躺在龌龊的水坑里,还是躺在高高伫立在山峰上的大理石宝塔里?你已经死了,再也不会醒来,这些事你就再也不去计较了。对你来说,是充满油垢的污水,还是轻风习习的空气,完全没有什么两样。你只顾安安稳稳睡你的大觉,再也不去思索你是怎么死的、死在何处这类龌龊的事情。而我现在却是这件龌龊事儿的一部分。远比鲁斯蒂·里甘更大的一部分。但是那位老人,就不必叫他牵扯进来了。就叫他在那张支着华盖的大床上静静地躺着吧,叫他那没有血色的双手搭在被单上等着吧。他的心只不过是短暂模糊地呢喃。他的思绪像尘灰一样飘忽灰暗。过不了多久,他也要像鲁斯蒂·里甘一样,长眠不醒了。 (查看原文)
    阿特拉斯抠抠脚 2013-07-24 01:28:39
    —— 引自第297页
  • 你喜不喜欢我的态度与我毫不相干。我的态度确实很不好。在冬天的漫漫长夜里,我自己也常常为这个难过。 (查看原文)
    愁容袋鼠 2015-03-12 16:24:05
    —— 引自第19页
  • 死者的尸体要比破碎的心沉重得多 (查看原文)
    愁容袋鼠 2015-03-12 17:01:30
    —— 引自第46页
  • 我什么都没说。管家偏偏选择了这样一个时刻从落地窗户走进来,正好看到我怀里抱着这个丫头。 管家好像对这件事丝毫 不以为意。他是个满头银发、又高又瘦的老人,年纪在六十岁上下。他那双蓝眼睛的眼神要多深邃就有多深邃。他的皮肤非常光洁,走动起来肌肉坚实有力。他慢慢地穿过大厅向我们这边走来,女孩从我身上一跃而起。她飞快地跑到楼梯下面,像只小鹿似的窜上去。我还没来得及把吸进的一口长气吐出来,她已经跑得无影无踪了。 管家用平板的语调对我说:“将军现在要接见您,马洛先生。” 我把下巴从前胸上抬起来,对他点了点头。“她是谁?” “卡门·斯特恩伍德小姐,先生。” “你得叫她戒掉那个坏习惯。她年纪已经不小了。” 管家神情严肃而又很有礼貌地看了我一眼,又重复了一遍他刚才说过的话。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2017-09-08 12:25:33
    —— 引自第5页
  • Dead men are heavier than broken heart. (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-10 23:40:56
    —— 引自第37页
  • "What are you getting for it all?" "Twenty-five dollars a day and expenses." "That would make fifty dollars and a little gasoline so far." "About that." He put his head on one side and rubbed the back of his little finger along the lower edge of his chin. "And for that amount of money you're willing to get yourself in dutch with half the law enforcement of this country?" "I don't like it." I said. "But what hell am I to do? I'm on a case. I'm selling what I have to sell to make a living. What little guts and intelligence the Lord give me and a willingness to get pushed around in order to protect a client. It's against my principles to tell as much as I've told tonight, without consulting General. As for the cover-up, I've been in police business myself, as you know. They come a dime a doze... (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-11 23:22:37
    —— 引自第97页
  • "You have wicked eyes," I said. "What's Eddie Mars got on you?" She looked at me in the mirror. "I took plenty away from him tonight at roulette—starting with five grand I borrowed from him yesterday and didn't have to use." "That might make him sore. You think he sent that loogan after you?" "What's a loogan?" "A guy with a gun." "Are you a loogan?" "Sure," I laughed. "But strictly speaking a loogan is on the wrong side of the fence." "I often wonder if there is a wrong side." "We're losing the subject. What has Eddie Mars got on you?" "You mean a hold on me of some sort?" "Yes." Her lip curled. "Wittier, please, Maelowe. Much wittier." "How's the General? I don't pretend to be witty." "Not too well. He didn't get up today. You could at least stop questioning me." "I remember a time when ... (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-14 23:18:33
    —— 引自第124页
  • I strained her against me until the shivering of her body was almost shaking mine. I kept on kissing her. After a long time she pulled her head away enough to say: "Where do you live?" "Hobart Arms. Franklin near Kenmore." "I've never seen it." "Want to?" "Yes," she breathed. "What has Eddie Mars got on you?" Her body stiffened in my arms and her breath made a harsh sound. Her head pulled back until her eyes, wide open, ringed with white, were staring at me. "So that's the way it is," she said in a soft dull voice. "That's the way it is. Kissing is nice, but your father didn't hire me to sleep with you." "You son of a bitch," she said calmly, without moving. I laughed in her face. "Don't think I'm an icicle," I said, "I'm not blind or without senses. I have warm blood like the next guy. Yo... (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-15 00:12:40
    —— 引自第127页
  • "……When you hire a boy in my line of work it isn't like hiring a window-washer and showing him eight windows and saying: 'Wash those and you're through.' You don't know what I have to go through or over or under to do your job for you. I do it my way. I do my best to protect you and I may break a few rules, but I break them in your favor. The client comes first, unless he's crooked. Even then all I do is hand the job back to him and keep my mouth shut. After all you didn't tell me not to go to Captain Gregory." (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-15 19:54:36
    —— 引自第175页
  • "…… I'm not Sherlock Holmes or Philo Vance. I don't expect to go over ground the police have covered and pick up a broken pen point and build a case from it. If you think there is anybody in the detective business making a living doing that sort of thing, you don't know much about cops. It's not things like that they overlook, if they overlook anything. I'm not saying they often overlook anything when they're really allowed to work. But if they do, it's apt to be something looser and vaguer, like a man of Geiger's type sending you his evidence of debt and asking you to pay like a gentleman—Geiger, a man in a shady racket, in a vulnerable position, protected by a racketeer and having at least some negative protection from some of the police. ……" (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-15 19:54:36
    —— 引自第175页
  • "Uh-huh. I'm a very smart guy. I haven't a feeling or a scruple in the world. All I have the itch for is money. I am so money greedy that for twenty-Eve bucks a day and expenses, mostly gasoline and whiskey, I do my thinking myself, what there is of it; I risk my whole future, the hatred of the cops and of Eddie Mars and his pals, I dodge bullets and eat saps, and say thank you very much, if you have any more trouble, I hope you'll think of me, I'll just leave one of my cards in case anything comes up. I do all this for twenty-five bucks a day—and maybe just a little to protect what little pride a broken and sick old man has left in his blood, in the thought that his blood is not poison, and that although his two little girls are a trifle wild, as many nice girls are these days, they are n... (查看原文)
    Verlocksss 2018-11-15 21:01:03
    —— 引自第189页
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